First Op Again

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3rd Person POV
Modripoor Docks

"Madripoor could give New York a run for its money." Sam said.
"They know how to party." Zemo agreed.
"Nope, nothing beats New York." Star told them.
"With that bounty on you head, the longer you're in Madripoor, the less likely you're ever leaving." Sharon told the guys as everyone followed her to the specific container she was told about "All right. He's in there. Container 4261. We'll keep an eye out while you guys talk to Nagel. But hurry. We're on borrowed time." She warned passing them all a set of comms to keep in touch.

Sharon and Star headed in the opposite direction to get a better vantage point and Bucky watched them walk off before he followed Sam and Zemo.

Sam opened the door to find the container empty "Hey, Sharon. You sure this is the right one? It's completely empty."

"Positive. It has to be."

Sam and Zemo walked into the container with a flashlight trying to see anything whilst Bucky guarded the door. Zemo found a hidden door at the back of the container and as he opened it they began to hear music; Sam and Bucky took out their guns and moved closer to Zemo. Sam took the lead from Zemo and Bucky checked their 6 one last time before following up the staircase.

That staircase led to a small lab. Sam and Zemo, and Bucky spilt up to go down different aisles and search it. Sam and Zemo found the scientist first and silently signalled to Bucky that he was over there. Bucky turned the record player off announcing their presence to the oblivious scientist.
"Dr. Nagel?" Sam asked.
"Who are you? What do you want?" He responded confirming his identity.
"We know you created the super-soldier serum."
"Get out of my lab."
"Hey!" Sam called as Dr. Nagel tried to leave but found the other path blocked by Bucky "You know who he is, right? This is Baron Zemo. I know you've heard of him, too, right? You seem like a pretty smart guy. So you better become conversational real quick." Sam suggested tossing the scientist back into a wall.
"How about a counter proposal? Make me a better offer and I'll talk." Nagel said smugly.

(A/n: This clip doesn't have everything in it but I'll leave it in to help you imagine the fight scenes.)

"Guys, we have company." Sharon said.
"And a lot of it." Star added.

The former S.H.I.E.L.D. agents started working their way through the power broker's men, starting with a group of 3. Sharon attacked them from behind and Star from the front: both girls used similar weapons an expandable baton; however Star used 2 which could transform into 1 long bostaff, whereas Sharon just used one so she could have a hand free if needed.

Realising they were running out of time Bucky took over the situation, sitting Nagel down in a chair and holding a gun to his head to get him to talk causing Sam to look concerned.

"Every bounty Hunter in the city is here. We gotta go!" Sharon warned them and while she was distracted on the comms one of those bounty hunters nearly got the jump in her but thankfully Star quickly took care of him, knocking him down to the ground and breaking his arm. The man's screams alerted another bounty hunter who Sharon first intercepted by throwing a knife into his arm and kicking him twice. Unfortunately, he managed to pick her up and push her against one of the containers, banging her head, making her collapse to the ground momentarily. He was about to knee her in the head when a kindjal found itself lodged in his back, courtesy of Star.

 He was about to knee her in the head when a kindjal found itself lodged in his back, courtesy of Star

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