Making Amends

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3rd Person POV
1 Week Later

The 3 heroes, 1 rightfully so and the other 2 mostly redeemed, had each spent the past week catching up on some personal business.

Star went back to Norway with Jace to watch him kill Valentine before travelling to Nanda Parbat, the home of the League of Assassins, to get a dose of the elixir to calm down the effects of the Lazarus Pit and inform them of Damien's latest attempt on her life. Ra's al Ghul was growing tired of Damien's uncontrollable behaviour and was regretting ever bringing him back into the League when he sent him after Blackstar when he found out S.H.I.E.L.D. had her working against the League. However, the self proclaimed King dropped the matter when it was revealed that HYDRA was behind those mission and Blackstar pledged to kill them and return to working for the League.

Just as Star was about to leave the palace someone she really didn't want to see stopped her.
"I heard you joined team good guys again?" Malcolm Merlyn said to her blocking her path. Star rolled her eyes and stepped around him. "That didn't work out too well for you last time, if I recall correctly." Malcolm continued. Stopping Star sighed and turned back around saying "What do you want Malcolm?"
"You should show me some more respect. I once thought of you as a daughter and turned you, a pathetic, delicate spoiled brat into a warrior."
"You tried to kill me-"
"Under Ra's' orders." He defended.
"Helped Damien terrorise my friends and kill Laurel-"
"Hey! I didn't know he was going to do that. He took it too far. That was not supposed to happen. Even Ra's was furious, you know that."
"Then killed me yourself. Only to bring me back to life with the Lazarus Pit to turn me into a cold blooded killer."
"I was doing you a favour and let's face it you were a cold blooded killer long before you were revived. Remember that little girl who found her father in the morning-"
"Stop it." Star spat at him "What do you want?" She repeated realising he skirted the question earlier.
"I already told you 3 years ago and I told you again on that rooftop in Riga. I want to help you with Damien. I want my family back. I thought finding your friend and ensuring your win would finally make you trust me."
"Yeah that's never gonna happen." Star turned back around and headed for the exit.
"Will you at least tell me where Thea is? That was part of our deal."
"I would, but she hates you almost as much as I do. And I wouldn't be a very good friend or 'sister' if I gave up her location. Goodbye Malcolm. Don't call me. If you find Damien, tell Ra's or Nyssa, they can speak to me."
"Hey, one more thing." Malcolm said before throwing something at Star who quickly turned around and caught it. It was another vial of Lazarus Pit water. "If this is to use against Damien I have a plan and it involves a much larger volume than this."
"No, that's to use against your boyfriend, just in case."
"Wha-" Star said in confusion and shock before figuring out who Malcolm was talking about "How long were you in Riga before you came to find me?"
"A magician never reveals his secrets." He called as he walked away.
"I hate you!" Star shouted down the hallway before leaving.

Meanwhile, Sam was righting someone else's wrong like the true Captain America he is.

They walked around the rest of the museum and Isaiah stopped at Bucky's memorial and the new section which described his captivity and Steve's rescuing of him.
"Barnes will never change." Isaiah told Sam as he looked at old photos and videos of him "He'll never go back to who he was before."
"You're right he won't but he has changed. You should see him with his girl."

Finally, the person who had the most work to do when it came to making amends. Bucky. He started with some easier ones as he worked up the courage to tell Yori the truth.

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