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Bucky's POV

After Mia fell asleep I placed a gentle kiss on the crown of her head, silently thanking her for coming into my life.

After Mia fell asleep I placed a gentle kiss on the crown of her head, silently thanking her for coming into my life

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I barely even noticed the bed, my mind was too focussed on her. I watched her sleep for a few more hours not because I didn't want to sleep but just because I wanted to take this moment in. Eventually, though I did fall asleep.

I woke up to the sounds of movement and was pleasantly surprised  when I realised I didn't have a nightmare whilst I was asleep

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I woke up to the sounds of movement and was pleasantly surprised  when I realised I didn't have a nightmare whilst I was asleep.

I woke up to the sounds of movement and was pleasantly surprised  when I realised I didn't have a nightmare whilst I was asleep

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Then I realised Mia wasn't next to me.

Instead, she was across the room sitting at a table with her back to me. Sitting up I greeted her softly "Good morning." but she was still startled.
"Hey." She replied smiling at me "I guess even League of Assassins techniques still aren't quiet enough for super hearing?"
"Sorry to disappoint darlin'."
"Damn. I've never gonna be able to beat you at anything, am I?" She complained causing me to chuckle as I made my way over to her "Whatcha doing this early in the morning?"
"Early for us, but my friends in Europe have been up for hours. We're working on some things. Plus, I ordered breakfast." She explained waving her phone in my face with the Deliveroo app open.
"To a gym?"
"Mmm-hmm. This is Mikaelson territory. They practically own the whole city, and the city is used to their antics - they won't question it."

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