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The BBQ party was in full swing when Bucky pulled up the truck, recognising the super soldier, Cass immediately ran up to Bucky as he got out of the driver's seat. "Oh! There he is!" Bucky exclaimed before Cass and AJ began pretend fighting him. "The cake's all smooshed." Cass noted. "Yeah, sorry bud, the sun was beaming in the window."
"Don't forget the potholes." Star reminded him as she came around from the other side carrying the 2 bottles of pink gin.
"Boys, there is someone I want you to meet. This is Star, she helped Sam and I out on our mission. Star, this is AJ and Cass, Sam's nephews."
"Hi Star!" They greeted in unison.
"Nice to meet you boys." Star replied nervously running her tongue behind her teeth after it.

Leading the way forward Bucky asked "Where is everyone?" as he put the ice cream cake down on a table.

Leading the way forward Bucky asked "Where is everyone?" as he put the ice cream cake down on a table

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"Mom's cookin' and everyone is taking pictures with Uncle Sam." AJ told him. Buck and Star's eyes lit up at the last statement "Oh this is gonna be funny." Bucky said as they weaved their way through the crowd to find Sam but he saw them first and he excused himself to greet his friends pulling them in for one arm hugs.

"What happened to the cake!?" Sam exclaimed seeing the state of it.
"Apparently, super soldier serum does not make you great at avoiding potholes." Star commented.
"In my defence, there were way less in the 40s."
"Right, because they still had cobblestones." Star quipped.
"Oh!" Sam shouted putting his hand up for Star to high five which she did.
"I'll get you for that later, doll." Bucky whispered into her ear.

"You must be Bucky's girlfriend that I've heard so much about from Sam." A female voice said from behind them - noticing the similar features shared with Sam, Star presumed this was his sister, Sarah.
"Yes, hi! I'm Star."
"Nice to put a name to a face. I'm Sarah."
"Nice to meet you, I presume you're the smart sibling..."
"Hey!" Sam objected.
"Well..." everyone chorused.
"Oh, here. We brought up you a present for putting us up for the weekend - it's pink gin - it's a huge thing in Britain - I spent time there - best thing they've ever created."

The rest of the party without a hitch. Sam's nephews and the other local kids were fascinated with Bucky and his super strength and he let them hang off his vibramium arm to test it as he easily made conversation with Star and Sarah. A lot more people wanted pictures with the new Captain America so Sam was busy with that again. Later on, some of the locals brought out their jazz and country instruments as others danced to their music. Much like his predecessor, Sam gave a speech about how grateful he was to the community for their support for him being the new Captain America as well as helping him with his family's boat which ended with him giving Sarah a massive hug.

As the day faded into night Bucky was looking for Star who had disappeared away from the crowd a while ago. He spotted her at the dock's edge watching the sunset. Wrapping a blanket around her from behind Bucky leaned forward and kissed her cheek. Whispering into her ear Bucky asked "What are you thinking about?"

"Sam was right the people are nice; I think I'd forgotten what normal felt like

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"Sam was right the people are nice; I think I'd forgotten what normal felt like."
"And how does this feel? Normal? Ordinary?"
"No, extraordinary." She replied craning her head around to kiss James on the lips.

"Hey lovebirds!" Sam shouted interrupting them "Unless you want to sleep with the fishes, the house is this way." As they made their way over to Sam they could hear him muttering "I can't believe Sarah's making me give up my room for the 2 of you."
"You know we don't mind the couch, we'll make it work." Star told him.
"Oh no! I don't need to see that in the morning. Just please don't have sex in my bed."
"I don't think we were going to but now that we know it'll annoy you, we just might." Bucky joked causing him and Sam to descend into a childish sarcastic argument as they all walked back to the house.

The End.

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