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Blackstar's POV

After successfully ringing the bell and freeing Jace from his insane father figure I was at a bit of a loss on what to do. After the fight, Kol captured Valentine and was bringing him back to Norway to torture and kill him; and now that I had taken out the traitorous Bratva members Anatoly was back in charge of the entire organisation but I didn't feel like going on a revenge quest with either of them. In fact, there was only one place in the world I could think of that I wanted to be.

During the flight I explained what was going on with the super soldiers to Jace - he wasn't very happy about it.
"I think I want to help." I told him "I know I've tried the whole good act before with S.H.I.E.L.D. and that didn't end well but this is this has been the most positive act and mindset I've had since..." I trailed off not being able to say it but Jace knew what I was talking about.
"I think she'd be very happy about that. But no matter how happy it'd make her I am not going to help. I never want anything to do with the military or the government ever again."
"So what, are you going to work for him again?" I asked looking over at Kol.
"Ah, we already tried that. He's too crazy. Do the League still want to hire me?"
"J.C. everybody in the world still wants to hire you." I retorted.
"Haha, true. So how are you going to help?"
"Mmm." I said as I thought over the plan I had half came up with when Sam, Bucky, Zemo and I where supposed to be going back to the States "Hey, Kol. I need a favour."

New Orleans, Louisiana

Kol's tech guy, Joshua, had managed to ping Sam and Bucky's phones to Delacroix, Louisiana. Luckily for me, that was only 55 minutes away from New Orleans where the Mikaelson's owned property. Property that had immunity due to their family's high ranking; which meant anyone on those grounds couldn't be arrested. What I told Sam was true I didn't need my name cleared - I didn't do anything wrong - but when the government found out what kind of jobs S.H.I.E.L.D. had me doing they wanted to know every last detail; those secrets weren't released when Natasha uploaded everything because there weren't any copies of them in the first place.

I sent Bucky a text on both phones that were registered to him and waited for him to arrive at the location I'd sent him.

1 hour later

I heard the heavy wooden doors to the building open and close then, "I'm starting to think you secretly like churches." a familiar Brooklyn accent called into the dark room.
"It's not a church." I said flicking the lights on "Well, not anymore." I said letting him see the fighting cage, exercise equipment and where I was leaning against the wall.

When his eyes landed on me he let out a massive smile "You have no idea how glad I am that you're not dead." I couldn't help but to return the smile even as I pretended I was annoyed at his concern "You've seen the League of Assassins in action 5 times - 6, if you count our little spat with the Dora Milaje - and you were really that worried I'd die?"

Bucky started to move further into the room and headed around the cage in the middle so I decided to circle around it in the opposite direction. His face had a look of confusion on it before the smirk pulling at the corner of my lips told him what I was up to and he returned it.
"For the past 8 years I've pushed away anyone who tried to get close to me but, with you... my mind is telling me I want you around. Why is that?"
"I was hoping you could tell me, darlin'. Ninety years of brainwashing and waking up in a new culture leaves a man pretty confused on how simple things like relationships are supposed to work. All I know is that I was so afraid of never seeing you again." Bucky said before almost magically disappearing causing me to look around the room frantically. By the time I turned back around to the way I was facing originally he was standing in front of me. Before I could even make a sound he had me pinned against the cage.

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