Road Trip

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Once off the highway in Louisana they were driving past shops which made Bucky think of something:
"Hey, what are the rules for good hospitality in America 2024?" Bucky asked.
"Ooh, I don't know. I was quite bad at that, my mum was the one who always the one who remembered those kind of things; different, older generations, you know. No offence."
"None taken. Let's just ask Sam if they need anything brought."
"Good idea." Siobhan said pulling her iPhone to text Sam. A few minutes later he responded "He says bring desert."
"Ok." Bucky said pulling into a supermarket's car park.

In the supermarket

The couple had narrowed it down to the classics cake or ice cream.
"Hey, why not both?" Bucky suggested seeing the Oreo ice cream cake through the freezer door.
"Ooh best of both world's. Good shout."

As they were walking down the alcohol aisle to get to the till when something made Siobhan do a double take and exclaim "Oh my god!"
"What is it?" James asked as he followed her back a few steps.
She spins back around holding a bottle "Pink Gin! It's so rare in America. I thought we were going to have to go to an Irish bar to get it." Siobhan explained before grabbing another bottle causing Bucky to raise his eyebrows "It's a present for Sarah for putting us up this weekend." She defended.

After paying for their items the couple quickly headed on the last leg of their journey before the ice cream cake melted.

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