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3rd Person POV

The tension was thick between the 3 co-workers as they walked along the streets of Riga, particularly between Star and Bucky. Just as Sam was trying to make them talk, they were saved by the sound of his phone ringing.

"Hey Sarah, boy am I glad to talk to you! ... Whoa, slow down. What happened?... Shit, are you serious?..."

Star and Bucky's emotions went from happy to confused to apprehensive as the conversation progressed.

"She said what?... Right. Hold on, hold on, I know, I know. Listen, pack an overnight bag and take the boys."

As Bucky heard the nerves in Sam's voice he interrupted the phone conversation "What happened?"
Sam put down the phone to answer "Karli called Sarah. She threatened my nephews."
Picking the phone back up Sam spoke to Sarah again "... Okay. ... Go somewhere safe. Only pay cash. All right? Let me know when you get there. ... I know. Look, I love you. I'll never let anything happen to you and the boys, you know that. Okay. Bye."

Sam hung up and stopped walking "Karli wants to meet. She left a contact number." And he text her to say he'd received her message almost instantly his phone chimed with a text back:

'The rooftop above North Plaza. Now. Come alone.'

"She said come alone." Sam reminded them as they read over his shoulder.
"I'm coming with you." Bucky stated and the two guys looked at Star expectantly "Oh no, I'm not. See the next time you want to go somewhere alone, he's going to come with you because you came to this. It's a whole thing that heroes do, it's very annoying, I've had years of experience of it. But nevertheless, I'll watch through Sharon's satellite and be on comms close by."
"Fair enough. I'm gonna get my wings." Sam said turning around.
"You got a suit?" Bucky asked Mia.
"Yeah." She sighed as they too turned around to go suit up.

Star stopped off 2 buildings before the one Karli wanted to meet in and hid in the gap between it and the next one.

Sam and Bucky entered the courtyard of the compound Karli chose to meet in and Sam angrily called out for her "Karli!" She appeared peering over the balcony of the 1st floor and they headed upstairs to meet her

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Sam and Bucky entered the courtyard of the compound Karli chose to meet in and Sam angrily called out for her "Karli!" She appeared peering over the balcony of the 1st floor and they headed upstairs to meet her.

"You called my sister? That's how we're gonna play this?"
"Sam I would never hurt her. I just wanted to understand you better. My original plan was to call someone close to Mia but I couldn't find anyone."

The boys felt bad at that before becoming confused as they heard Mia chuckle through their comms at that statement.

"I see you, um, didn't come alone." Karli said looking over at Bucky who was diagonally behind Sam on the horizontal part of the walkway "I didn't think you would. For some reason the heroes never do. It's a shame though, if it had to be anyone I would've liked it to be Mia."
"Why? Because she can't hurt you?" Bucky spoke up even when he was mad at her he still wanted to defend her.

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