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Bucky's POV

As Walker began to realise what he had actually done he ran off.

"Come on, we need to deal with him before he causes any more damage." Sam said to me as I looked around for Star.

After leaving the shield with Sam, I walked off to go find Star - the fact she hadn't shown up after a major event the entire city was talking about concerned me. I circled back to all of our known locations but couldn't find any trace of her.

"Star's gone." I told Sam when we met up again at the camp after the US military had summoned us there.
"Gone? What do you mean gone?"
"I mean gone, vanished. She's nowhere to be found. I don't know if she left willingly or if she's been taken."
"Hey Torrres! Come here." Sam called his friend over "We need you to look at all of the city's CCTV footage. You know how I told you we had some help from a new source - well she's missing now."
"Okay, I don't suppose you guys have a picture so I know what I'm looking for."
"No. Long wavy blonde hair, green eyes, 5'4, medium build, all black tactical outfit. Last place I saw her was 2 buildings away from the North Plaza after Karli ran away from our meeting." I listed off.
"Ok. I'll start there. Uh, Sam the commander wants to speak with you." Torres said and Sam patted my arm before walking off to probably get reprimanded.

What really scared me about Mia's disappearance was that it was after I had told her I cared for her in other words - I was beginning to think I had scared her off.

When Sam came back he informed me of what was going on "The GRC is conducting raids to try to find Karli but so far they've only found her followers. They've searched this camp, and just like the last camp, nothing. She's gone. We'll never find her."

"Hey, I found something!" Torres called walking in with an iPad "Sam I thought you said this girl was human."
"She is." He replied slightly confused.
"Then how was she able to do this?" He asked showing us the video of Star jumping from building to building. Sam raised an eyebrow at me since I knew how the League of Assassins operated "They're very well trained." I commented.
"So this tells us how she moved but not where she moved to." Sam said.
"Just wait, it will in a second." Torres said as he switched to a different camera.
"That's the fight location." Sam realised recognising the top of it from his previous bird's eye view. "Yeah, looks like she was coming to join you guys. But she got interrupted..." Torres noted as man dressed head to toe in black made Star turn around.
"Whoa, where'd he come from?" Sam questioned as the camera angle didn't allow them to see that.
"And what is he wearing?" Torres added but I recognised the uniform. "He's a member of the League of Assassins."
"Wait, they're real? I heard about them from a tribal leader in Afghanistan. I thought he was smoking what he was selling." Torres said shocked.
We watched the 2 assassins circle each other as they spoke before they stopped and looked like they agreed on something before the man walked back out of frame. "I think they're still talking." Sam said as he noticed Star's expression change from unconvinced to conflicted as she peered back down the hatch before relenting and walking out of frame too.

"Torres, please tell me there's more from another camera." Sam begged. I could feel his eyes on me watching my reaction.
"Not really, a grainy old camera from a shop caught them jumping down down from somewhere into an alley 2 streets away but then they just vanished."
"Yeah, the league's good at that. It's how nobody's ever found their HQ." I said annoyed knowing how hard it was going to be to find her.

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