Chapter 1

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I finally put my 3DS down after about 3 hours of playing super smash bros. That game is so addictive. I stretched out my hands and put the 3DS on the little table thing that is over your bed in hospitals. It was a get well present off my dad, and a bit of a sweetener. I get bored when I'm stuck around in hospital, and when I'm bored I wander.

I had had an operation on my heart, it wasn't too major but as with any open heart surgery I had to stay in, to make sure everything was okay. I had spent 3 days on ITU, and should still be there now, but I was moved to Keller. I'm guessing so my sister could keep an eye on me, but she hadn't been doing a lot of that in the last day and a half.

My older sister is Zosia March. She has had a few issues recently, but I feel like I don't exist around her anymore. I know I can't expect her to constantly run around me, she has other patients to see, but I have just had major surgery and she hasn't given me a second look, unless treating me as a patient. She is an amazing doctor, and I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize her career, but I really need my sister right now, not a doctor. She was always such a loving big sister, but she's changed. I wish she would just come and cuddle with me for five minutes.

I looked to the side of me and pulled a face. I was in the end bed, furthest away from the nurses station. I have to admit, I did like the fact that at night it was quiet, and there was no constant rustling and beeping like there was on ITU. But there's only so much you can tolerate before you start to go insane. I had to be careful, and I knew I had to be careful when I got up and moved around because I didn't want to put strain on my heart or the stitches but I refused to be in a wheelchair so I just had to do things very slowly.

One of the perks of your sister working in a hospital, is that you get access to the staff room. I exercised that perk a lot. That means peace and quiet, nice food (if I ever ate), access to plugs, a proper tv, comfy seats...a fridge which means chilled pop!! Do I need to go on? I had my own pyjamas on, which made it more comfortable for me to walk around, although I still lived wrapping myself up in Zosia's dressing gown, because at night I could breathe in her smell and pretend she was hugging me.

I slumped down on the chair in the staff room and flicked through the channels. Nothing on apart from day time telly, which is always a bunch of rubbish. I picked up my phone which I had left on charge in the staff room. I had a message.

"Hope you are feeling better, if you fancy popping down today  to see me I could do with a chat, love Marie-Claire"

I had nothing better to do, so I set off to go and visit Marie-Claire, or as the boys call her, "M-C".

I wandered onto AAU, it was unusually quiet. I knew it wouldn't be like this for long, it never is. I had come at a good time. Marie-Claire was Sat behind the desk, playing some game on Facebook.

"Hey dude!" I said, coming up behind her.

"Hello sweetheart, how are you doing?" She replied, turning to me. I loved her Irish accent, I could listen to it all day.

"I've just had my chest cut open, things pulled out and shoved back in and then stitched up with some wire and staples, so you how do you think I'm doing?" I retorted. I didn't like people fussing, she knew that I wasn't being deliberately rude.

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