Chapter 13

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There was now only another couple of feet between us now.

"Put it down Zosia." Sacha chimed in from over my shoulder. It made me and Zosia jump, I'd forgotten about the other people in the room. Sacha took another step forward which spooked Zosia.

"Stay away!" She screamed at him.

"Zosh, darling, sweetheart. No one is here to hurt you." I said. I took another step towards her.

"Put the scalpel down." I said firmly.

"Now." I added when she didn't respond.

Zosia dropped the scalpel on the floor, the noise made me jump, but now Zosia was safe, I just wanted to jump on her and cuddle her but I couldn't, not with a needle behind my back.

I took another few steps towards her, slowly.

I was now centimetres away from Zosia. I reached out and gently put my empty hand on her neck and put my forehead on hers and looked into her eyes. She was as scared as I was.

"It's okay, I'm not going to let anyone hurt you." I whispered to her. I felt her slightly relax.

"I've got you Zosia." I whispered, trying to comfort her.

I reached onto my tip toes and kissed her on the forehead.

"I'm so sorry." I wimpered, I had to do it but I didn't want to.

I brought my hand round from behind my back and hugged her. I pushed the needle into her back, where my hand would be if I hugged her round her waist. I saw the look in her eyes, and I felt awful. Her eyes said it all. I had betrayed her.

As the sedative inhibited her system, I felt her weight buckle. I grabbed her and fell to the floor with her. I pulled her into my lap, so I was sat with my legs out, lent against the wall with the top half of Zosia's body across my legs from the side.

"Just go to sleep Zosh, ssshh, it's okay. I've got you." I soothed.

She was weak, but still conscious. The look in her eyes made me want to be sick.

"Just go to sleep princess..." I whispered, putting my hand on the side of her cheek, and kissed her forehead and broke down into tears.

As she slipped into a forced sleep, I unclipped her ID tag and put it in her pocket on her left hip. I felt a strip of pills and took them out. They where her bipolar pills, and she hadn't been taking them for 3 days. That explained a lot.

I cuddled her as she went limp, then her breathing fell into an even pattern. I was sobbing uncontrollably.

Fletch and Sacha moved to come towards me and move Zosia and put her in a bed, but Marie-Claire put her arm out to stop them.

"Leave her for a second." Marie-Claire whispered. The room was silent for a minute or so.

"Dom, Arthur and I will sort her out, can you please make sure the side room on AAU, and can you also page psych, and let them know that Mr Self's daughter has had a relapse." Marie-Claire said very calmly as not to upset me any further.

Fletch and Sacha let themselves out of the room quietly and Dom and Arthur came in.

I didn't really know what was going on at this point. I zoned out. Dom and Arthur gently lifted Zosia's limp body of of me and gently placed her in the bed they had bought in.

Zosia looked as if she had just simply fallen asleep laying there on the bed. She has this adorable way of smiling in her sleep. She was still in her Keller scrubs.

I picked up the scalpel that Zosia had held and the needle I'd injected her with up of the floor and put them on the side.

Dom and Arthur wheeled Zosia out of the operating theatre, heading towards AAU.

As they got out the door, I head dads voice. Jac was with him. Either she had got him out of his meeting or she'd jumped on his as soon as he left.

"Darling?" Dad said worriedly as Zosia was wheeled past him.

He stepped into the room where I was with Marie-Claire.

"Oh darling, what happened?" Dad said to me, trying to walk towards me. Jac could obviously see what I was about to do because she grabbed dads elbow to stop him being within my reach.

"YOU WEREN'T HERE WHEN YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN!" I yelled at him, I don't know what I was trying to do but I flew for him, but Marie-Claire was quick to react and grabbed me around the waist before I could get anywhere.

"I came to you, I asked. I told you Zosia wasn't well." I sobbed.

"I had to stick a needle in her and sedate her! You didn't see the way she looked at me!" I screamed at him.

"Darling..." Dad said taking a step backwards, realising how I was feeling.

"Just go Guy, ill stay here until she's calm and bring her down, okay?" Marie-Claire said holding onto me.

Dad nodded and him and Jac walked arm in arm out of the door.

"I hate him." I muttered, referring to dad.

"You don't. You're just mad, and I get that." Marie-Claire said hugging me gently.

I stood and let her hold onto me for a second.

"We should get down to Zosia. I'm sure she's want you there when she wakes up" Marie-Claire said to me.

"I'm not so sure." I laughed. It was either laugh or cry and I was drained from all the crying the last couple of days.

I slowly wandered down to the side room on AAU where my sister was.

When I walked in the room, Zosia's psychiatric doctor was just leaving.

Zosia was still asleep when I walked in the room. Jac and dad were stood at the foot of her bed. I glared at them both.

I went and picked up the folder in the hold at the end of Zosia's bed. I pretended to know what I was doing. I read her notes, most of it didn't make sense to me, but I did manage to gather that she had been given some more sedation and a high dose of her bipolar medication to balance her mood out.

I walked around dad and Jac and sat down in the chair next to Zosia's bedside and took her hand. I sat there playing with her fingers for a couple of minutes.

We were all around Zosia's bed. I was sat in a chair on the left, by the window, holding onto Zosia's hand. Dad and Jac were stood on the other side of the bed at the bottom with their arms around each other's waists.

I started to get tired, so I laid my head down on the bed....

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