Chapter 8

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Today is my mums anniversary. 8 years ago today she died from cancer. I would love to spend the entire day under the duvet snuggling with Ladybug, but I can't. I have to go and see Zosia and see if she's okay. I want to be there on the ward waiting when she comes into work.

When I woke up, Ladybug was laid out at the end of my bed, asleep. If I moved, I would wake her up. She looked so sweet and innocent asleep, but I had to get up. I gently pushed my toes into her ribcage to wake her up. She opened one eye and glared at me. I reached for the packet of dog treats I had on my bedside cabinet and threw one at her. That woke her up.

 Mum would have loved Ladybug. She loved dogs, well she loved animals. My horse, Indie, is the baby of the horse she had, Amity. From what I've been told, it was mums idea to get a dog for me, but dad wasn't for it, but now I have Ladybug, so he obviously changed his mind.

I knew today was going to be hard for my dad and my sister. Zosia lets it show when she's struggling, where as dad bottles it up, but now he has Jac I'm hoping he'll talk to her. I am like dad, I'll be there for my sister but I don't like to talk about it. Dad made me see a grief councillor for a while afterwards but it didn't really get us anywhere. It helped Zosia cope with it though.

It was still early in the morning, about 6 am, so I slipped out of my room without anyone seeing me. Jac wasn't due on shift for another half an hour or so.

I went to the bathroom and made myself look presentable. I put on the locket with our family photo on. I only wore it for special occasions as I didn't want to loose/break it. Mum had given them to me and Zosia just before she died. An hour or so later I sneaked back onto the ward and back to my bed. Before I'd finished making my stuff neat, Jac burst in the room with my breakfast.

"Morning, sweetheart." She smiled.

"mmm." I grunted. I wasn't in a people mood today. I didn't know if Jac knew it was my mum's aniversairay and was trying to be nice to what, but I wasn't going to be the one to tell her.

Jac pulled the bedside table over my bed and put the tray on it. She'd bought me an english breakfast, egg, bacon sausage, and a cherry muffin. I wasn't really in the mood to eat, but I didn't want to upset her.

"Thank you..."I smiled politely. Ladybug was whimpering away next to me.

I waited for Jac to leave. I fed the sausages and bacon and half the muffin to Ladybug and ate the rest myself. I then sneaked out of my room, making sure no one saw us, and headed down to kellar ward to see my sister. I got there just in time, as she was coming through the main doors when I walked down through the ward, so we almost walked straight into each other. Ladybug saw her before I did because she ran up to Zosia's feet. She was walking with Dom and Arthur.

 "Zos..." I whispered.

"Come here, sweet..." Zosia said pulling me into a cuddle.

I let her cuddle me for a few seconds. When we emerged from the hug, Dom and Arthur were int he middle of gesturing a conversation with each other. They both looked confused. Zosia and I were not usually this nice to other this early in the morning.

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