Chapter 4

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When I woke up, Zosia had climbed into bed and wrapped herself around me. I swear she was as close to me as was humanly possible. Who needs a comfort blanket when you've got Zosia as a sister.

I rolled onto my back and yawned. I was a lot more awake, and more comfortable now. My headache had gone, and I didn't feel sick anymore.

"I love you." Zosia whispered, kissing me on the side of the head.

"I love you too." I replied, nestling into my sisters warmth.

We cuddled for a while, and chatted. I found out the latest gossip from Keller. Apparently Zosia's boss's 17 year old daughter, Rachael, was pregnant, and had a miscarriage and the father was one of her teachers! If I did that, I think Daddy would LITERALLY kill me.

Dad appeared about half an hour later with food. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I started eating. Once we had eaten, I tried to find something to watch on TV but there is never anything good on during daytime TV.

Zosia caught sight of Jac walking towards us and got up out of the bed. She could start a fight at the best of times. I swear, some days, my sister would start a fight with a brick wall given the chance if I walked into it. Anyone that comes near me or meets Zosia's definition of hurting me is probably going to get punched. It was handy growing up and going to the same boarding school as her, because it meant we never had to put up with bullying as kids.

"Zosh, don't!" I said, grabbing her arm. She just shook me off. If there was any moment that I wished the ground would swallow me up, I reckon this was it. Zosia could be hot headed at times. to say the least.

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" Zosia yelled at Jac as she walked through the door and up to my bedside. I wish she would just shut up. I can't believe she thinks that Daddy would sleep with some random person, who isn't highly intelligant and doesn't know what they're doing. Jac is a world renowned heart surgeon, probably the best in the world, and she thinks that she can't do her job.

"Darling!" Dad said sternly, trying to shut my sister up.

"Zosh..." I warned. This didn't need to go any further that it already had. My sister can be so stupid sometimes.

"If you'd like me to talk you through this morning's events Dr March, my office is empty." Jac said to my sister. I don't know what I was worrying about, Jac could handle Zosia any day. If she wanted to, she'd eat her for breakfast. Its Zosia I'm worried about now.

"There's nothing to discuss! Other than you're incompetence, and daddy is too deeply in love with you to see it!" Zosia yelled. Everyone on the ward fell silent and looked over at the commotion unfolding at my bedside.

"OFFICE!" Daddy said firmly. There was no point in arguing with him now. He was annoyed.

"NOW!" He yelled, making Zosia jump. When it came down to it, she always listened to Daddy.

Jac opened the door and Zosia walked through it, I followed and linked arms with my sister, Jac and Daddy followed behind us. When we got into Jac's office, I could tell it was about to kick off big time.

I sat in Jac's chair. I didn't have it in me to get between Zosia and Jac today.

As soon as the door clicked shut, Zosia started on Jac.


"Darling, just calm down" Daddy said. For once, he was the one mediating, not me.


"Babe, I really think..." Jac started.

"No babe, she should apologise." Daddy said, cutting her off.

"I won't, and can you keep your pet names to your self please. I don't want to be seeing my lunch again." Zosia muttered.

"WILL YOU STOP BEHAVING LIKE A SPOILT BRAT FOR 3O SECONDS ZOSIA, AND OPEN YOUR EYES!" Jac said agitatedly. She didn't shout, but it was enough to make Zosia stop in her tracks.

"I am not taking sides here, but I'm going to say my peace." I said standing up and placing my hands down on the desk, to show I meant business.

"Sweetheart." Daddy said to me.

"I wish you would just shut up, ALL OF YOU. I can't believe you Zosia. Why on earth do you think that Daddy would sleep with someone who isn't highly intelligant and doesn't know what they're doing. Jac is a world renowned heart surgeon, probably the best in the world, and you think that she can't do her job? I wouldn't have anyone else operate on me, I know I'm in safe hands. She did nothing wrong, give the woman a break." I said firmly.

"Hey! That's unfair!" Zosia replied.

"No. Zosia, I love you, and I love Ma', just as much as you do, but we need to move on. Bringing Jac into our lives might be for the best, I'm not suggesting that we replace Ma, I know you two where close but I never knew her. You have had your fair share of relation ships, so why can't Daddy? Daddy deserves to be happy." I said. I wasn't done yet.

"But.." Zosia tried to cut me off, it wasn't very often I got this annoyed.

"One word Zosia, one word. JESSIE." I spat. That shut her up.

"I'm not finished. Daddy, Zosia's right. You are atleast 20 years old to be using pet names, at least infront of us. So please don't. Its weird, and gross. If Jac makes you happy, then Zosia and I are all for it." I said, in a much more calmer even tone.

"Jac, all me and my sister have done over the past few weeks is give you a hard time, and you've not done a runner, which I thinks speaks volumes. Please don't speak to my sister like that, and same thing for pet names. Its weird. You'll never be mine or Zosia's mother, but I'm sure we'll come to some sort of agreement if it works out." I said.

I smiled at all of them polietly, no one hadanything to say. I went and tried to hug my sister, but she pushed me away.

I stormed out. I'm glad Jac's office is out the way from the rest of the ward because I could still hear them shouting at each other as I walked away. I'd tried, and that was all I could do. I didn't want anything more to do with the situation for today.

Marie-Claire was waiting for me around the corner. I could do with the company.

"Are you feeling up to sitting in a chair downstairs for a bit and keeping us company? It's dead downstairs." Marie-Claire asked, I linked her arm and we walked off down the corridor.

"I don't know. I had heart surgery again this morning, I assume you heard." I muttered. Silly statement, I'm the CEO's daughter, people seem to know what is happening in my life before I do these days.

"Yes, you don't have to. But there's a chair downstairs with your name on it when you're ready kid." Marie-Claire said to me, heading in the direction of my bed.

"Thanks!" I smiled, I know I could always rely on her and Fletch and Harry to take my mind of things.

"Are you okay?" Marie-Claire asked, she could sense that something was up.

"It's not me you want to be checking on. It's Zosia. She kind of maybe told Jac she can't do her job." I muttered.

"ooo" She said. If you know Jac, you'll understand what she means.

"My sister is an idiot." I sighed. She definitly had her moments.

"I'll second that." She smiled.

"You know what, I will come down to the ward with you. I need to be away from the lot of them right now." I agreed. We walked down to AAU, and waiting for me was the comfy chair from Serena's office with a muffin on. I turned around and smiled at Harry. He knew how to treat girls, even when they are half his age and ill.

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