Chapter 20

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The next morning we all had a long lie in. I woke up at 9 but didn't get out of bed until half past 10. I was shattered and felt quite poorly. Jac went and made pancakes for breakfast and I ate them and felt a little better. I loved Jac's pancakes, they were always a special treat because I didn't get the opportunity to eat them very often.

"Mine and Zosia's shifts start at 12, so we best get moving." Jac said clearing the plates away. I huffed. I didn't want them to go.

"We have to go." Zosia said, agreeing with Jac and getting up off of the bed. I groaned. I knew I could kick up all the fuss I wanted but it wouldn't make them stay.

That's the disadvantage of being a responsible adult." Jac added.

"I think responsible is pushing it slightly." I mumbled.

"Hey, don't be like that. You know how it is." Zosia said firmly. I nodded, I knew she was right. I still didn't want to be alone all day.

"We are going to have to have a sit down meeting with Guy while we are at work over our lunch break, it'll be myself, Zosia, your father and possibly Mo." Jac told me, I wondered why they needed to have a meeting about me.

"We will come up with a reason why you are not going back to school." She added. She had a point. I wasn't even sure if Daddy knew I wasn't going back to that school.

"We're also going to decide where you will live, school, all the formalities" Zosia said. She also had a point, I hadn't considered this.

Jac and Zosia went and got showered and dressed ready for work. When it was time to leave, they both hugged me goodbye.

"I'll send someone to keep you company." Jac said as she went out the door. I pulled a face. I didn't want to hang out with a random person who was on their break.

"Someone you know don't worry." She smiled, she had the perfect person in mind.

"We both finish our shift at 12am so unless there's an emergency tonight I'll be back just after 12am. I'll fill you in on the meeting then. It would be easier if you stay here again tonight if you want?" Jac offered. I did want to stay again, very much.

"I'll stay at mine tonight if that's okay?" Zosia said. I nodded.

"That's cool!" I replied.

When they went to work I didn't really know what I wanted to do with myself. I tried sitting on the sofa to watch TV but I couldn't get comfortable. I went and had a shower and then went and sorted through my things that Zosia had fetched from school. Everything seemed to be there. I sprawled out on the bed and got my laptop out and watched Netflix for a couple of hours and munched on chocolate. Around 4pm there was a knock at the door and I went and answered it.

"Hello trouble!" Jaz smiled at me.

"I'm done for the day so I thought I'd come and hang out and get a takeaway pizza?" She said.

"Awesome!" I laughed. I loved having Jaz's company, and she was really pretty. Jaz and I hung out for the rest of the evening and she went home just after 11pm.

I checked my phone and I had a text from Zosia.

'I am not feeling very well so left work a little early. Hope you're okay, love you night night xxx'

Wonderful I thought to myself. I'd spent last night spooning with my sister which meant that I probably had the bug too!

Jac came home just after 12.30am. She looked shattered. She jumped in the shower and then came and joined me in bed in her PJs. We were about to have the conversation I had been waiting to have all day.

"Sooo...???" I asked Jac.

"Right...where to start?" Jac said to herself. I hoped she was going to tell me what I wanted to here, that I could go to a normal school.

"You are definitely not going back to that school." Jac started. That was something.

"Yay. Thank you." I replied to her. I was relieved to not be going back there.

"Your dad thinks that when I collected you, I witnessed an argument between a parent and teacher and bases on the way the staff behaved, I made the decision to pull you out of that school." She continued. That was another good thing, I didn't want to have to talk through the details with my dad. That would have been thoroughly embarrassing.

"Guy being guy doesn't mind that someone else made that decision about his daughter, as long as they sort it out. So that begs the question of where are we going to send you to school." Jac said and then paused. She was right, Dad was happy to deal with his daughters when everything was okay and they weren't causing a fuss, but as soon as something dramatic happened, we were somebody else's problem. I think a lot of this is to do with the fact that he never dealt with mum's death.

"I bet he said he doesn't want me to drag the family name through the mud so won't let me go to a comprehensive school." I muttered. Jac nodded. She knew I knew my dad too well, but I also understood his personality.

"I didn't take his family name and Zosia have mum's name not dad's." I added. There were times that I was glad that Zosia and I had a different name to dad.

"That's beside the point." Jac replied.

"We compromised and are all in agreement...that rather than sending you to a local comprehensive school, Guy will pay the fees for one of the grammar schools, so you are still having a first class education, but you are much closer to home therefore won't be boarding." She said.

"Right..." I replied. I guess this was better than being sent to another boarding school, but it would be so boring being the only child living at home now Zosia has moved out.

"So this begs the question, where are you going to live?" Jac said. I probably wasn't going to like what I was about to hear.

"I could move in with Zosia?" I asked. Although we would probably would end up killing each other.

"No. Although sleepovers are something that we can work out around Zosia's shifts if thats something you would like?" She offered, I nodded. I liked it when it was just me and my sister.

"Here?" I asked.

"There's not enough space for 2 to live here full time, otherwise I would, and you know I would." Jac replied firmly but softly.

" we have come to the conclusion that you moving back home with your dad would be the best thing to do." She told me. This is what I was hoping wouldn't happen.

"Urgghhhh." I huffed.

"But I will be moving in as well." Jac finished.

My face lit up.

"So you'd be like a real mum?" I said excitedly.

"Yes I would." Jac smiled.

"and I'll be there to take you to school some days and all things like that." She added.

"Yes!" I exclaimed. I hadn't been expecting this.

I went to sleep that night with a smile on my face. I was finally feeling like life was about to get better.

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