Chapter 3

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I woke up at about 4 am, it was still dark outside. Zosia and Marie-Claire where no where to be seen. My chest didn't feel right. Okay, thats an understatement. It was on fire, but it wasn't a panic attack. I couldn't breathe properly. I began to panic even more. I clutched my chest and got blood all over my hand. I must have ripped my stitches. All I could think was I need Jac, and I need her now. I managed to climb out of bed. I could see the nurses station but it felt so far away. 

As soon as my feet hit the floor the room started spinning. I walked as far as I could to the nurses station, I don't remember hitting the floor, but I do remember seeing Jac's shoes coming towards me. She had little things from 'Frozen' on her crocs that I had given her for Christmas, so I knew it was her. There was a lot of shouting, if they didn't quieten down, they'd wake up the whole ward. This is why side rooms where invented. But I couldn't make out what anyone was actually saying though, I just wanted to sleep, right there, on the floor.

I remember Jac's voice, and then having her hair dangling in my face. She unzipped my onezie, and that's the only time I've ever heard her swear. Swearing isn't something that happens in our house, unless Daddy is really mad. Its usually only Zosia that can make him that mad. I remember being tucked in her shoulder, and breathing in her scent. It relaxed me slightly, although I was almost completely unaware of what was going on. She must have picked me up and carried me like a baby to the operating theater, because there wasn't time for a trolley, and I know she wouldn't have trusted anyone else to.

The last thing I remember is grabbing Jac's hand as she turned away from me to go and scrub in. She turned back to me and kissed the centre of my forehead. She knew not to let me get stressed, otherwise I'd never take the oxygen mask. I can be a nightmare at the best of times when it comes t anesthetic.

"Don't leave.." I whispered. I'd picked up on her urgency by now, but I was still out of it. I don't think either of us though that it was an appropriate time to tell me that if she didn't open me up within the next 2 minutes and stop the bleed, I could possibly end up having a stroke and long lasting brain damage and mobility issues because not enough blood was getting to my brain. I'm glad she didn't drop that bomb shell on me. She has to have credit for staying chilled out in a crisis though.

"Don't worry princess, Jac will sort you out. I'll be here the whole time. You just let the nice man put you to sleep." She whispered to me as the oxygen mask was placed on my face. She knew I was bad with being put to sleep, as she had done most of my recent operations. She stood there and stroked the back of my hand gently with her fingers until I fell asleep.

When I woke up, Jac was stood at the end of my bed with the folder with my notes in. I'd been aloud to decorate it as a child and it still had lots of foam flower stickers stuck all over it. Embarrassing. I was 7. 

"Hello you." Jac smiled coming and standing next to me. She put the raling on the side of my  bed down, and sat on the edge of my bed. She took my hand and played with my fingers for a bit until she got a response out of me.

"mmm." I moaned. It was the best she was going to get.

I sat up very slowly, with Jac's help. My chest ached. It felt like someone had dropped a 10 stone weight on my chest. It was a lot worse than it was the first time I woke up.

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