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In the evening, the weather is nice and cool. The road is busy and the bird is flying on the sky ready to going back to their home.

I walk on the street alone with my happy feeling , because I get to meet my crush.


A couple days ago.
When I get back to home after school, I check my phone after taking shower.
My online friends who decided to invite us to hangout for meet up, well this is our first time to face to face.
I couldn't reject so just agree and ask for location.

Florence (online friend)
Hey guys since it's our 1st anniversary, why don't we meet up and celebrate together?

Him aka Jay🐯
That sounds good, are you guys are sit in the same town?

Johnny (online friend)
I live in Incheon area how's y'all?

Him aka Jay🐯

Gangnam here

I read all their chat that I missed out when I'm not on my phone.

Florence (online friend)
How about y/n? Where do you live so we can decide a place to meet up.

Him aka Jay🐯
I guess she's still on her class let's ask her when she's online

Lesley (online friend)

After read all their message, I reply their message one by one and finally we decided to go to the café where Jay work at. And of course not all of my online friend can join due to their area is kinda far from us , so we just make a meet up for the people who is living nearly the café.


I hop on the street while feeling to excited about the meeting.
Not longer I've arrived the café.

"Wow what a fancy café" I jaw drop as I look at the design of the café.

"Are you...Y/n?"
A guy approached and ask in polite way.

I look at him from head to toe.
It's Jay.
He looks even taller in real life, dammit.

"Yes I am, you are...Jay?" I asked.

"Yes it's me Jay, nice to meet you"he smiled as he lend out his hand to have a handshake with me.

"Nice to meet you too" I replied with a smile as I shake his hand.

I suddenly feel shy when I meet him, and feel like there's a deer is running everywhere in my body.

"Let's go inside, they're waiting"

"Sure let's go" I nod and follow him enter in the café.

"You looks more beautiful in real life tho"  Jay said with smile.

"Ah...t-thanks you too" I smiled.

Dammit, why I can't even talk probably when meeting him.

Jay take me to the table room where everyone were there.

"Guys~ Y/n is here~" Jay said as they turn to look at me and greet me with smile.

"Omg Y/n You looks so gorgeous" Florence just came and lend out her hand "I'm Florence, nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too, Florence" I handshake with her then went to sit with them.

We talk so much after we meet up, then Jay bring Lesley in to the room.

"Now we're complete and let's have our dinner" Jay said with a smile.

I was so excited for the dinner not until I put my eyes on their hands.
Jay and Lesley literally just hold hands. That make my smile gone and a lot of questions is spinning around in my mind.

When I thought I'm the one who notice it, Florence and others also notice it.

"Uhm...Jay? Can you explained?" Florence ask as she pointed on their holding hands.

When Jay and Lesley realize, they immediately just break their hands apart and smile awkwardly.

"Nah Lesley fell on the ground so i just hold her hand to bring her here" Jay explained.

"Yeah This stupid heels make me fall so yeah Jay help me" Lesley explain and quickly walk to have a sit.

"I'll go order foods first" Jay said as he went out the room.

We just sit down and wait while chit chatting.

Meanwhile, i just staring at Lesley.

Fall down...heels...aren't her feet will feel painful after fall down?

"Y/n, let's take a picture together" Florence said as she sit closer to me.
I shake my head to push the thought in my mind away and smile at the camera as I taking pictures with Florence.

"Guys the food is here" Jay came in with other waiter and served the foods on the big round table.

"Wow~ looks delicious" Jennie said as she can't get her eyes off the foods.

"Let's eat" Jay smile and sit down then we start to eat our dinner together.


Everyone were enjoying their foods and busy talking to each other, and me being a spy to watch every movement of Jay and Lesley.

There's a lot of time that Jay keep putting food on Lesley's plate.
I thought I'm the one who notice and here come Florence start to tease Jay.

"Yo Jay where's mine? Why are you keep giving food to Lesley? Nuna also want to be treat like that...come on get me that fried prawn" Florence the older in our group handing out her plate to Jay making Jay startled by her sudden words and everyone pun their eyes on Jay and Lesley.

Lesley just look down and eating her foods pretending nothing happen.

"I also want too, serve me senpai" Harith said as he hand his plate out too.

"I- alright alright everyone will be served by Jay" Jay giggling and gave everyone the food that they ask for.

"What about you Y/n? What do you want? Let me serve you too"said Jay who is looking at me.

I just smile and shake my head "it's ok, the foods is near to my face so I can easily to take it by myself instead of asking a person who sit so far to help me get it" I said with a lil teasing way while my eyes were putting on Lesley.

Everyone were silent after I finish my words.

To make it not more awkward I laugh "Hahaha I was joking, just get me the fried chicken is enough, thanks"

Jay just take it for me then sit back down. We all continue to eat our foods and laugh about Florence's joke.


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