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The night sky was aglow with the city lights. A black mercedes car stop by the restaurant , then a guy came to the passenger side and open the door as a girl with a beautiful dress just get off the car with the help from the handsome guy who help her by opening the door.

"Let's go inside" Yoongi smile as he hold my hand and bring me inside the restaurant.

Yoongi being so gentlemen by helping me to sit down. After thanks to him , the waiter came and hand us the menu book.

I was jaw dropping as I look around the restaurant. It's so luxuries til I can't even dare to look at the menu. It's must be so expensive til I feel full by looking at the restaurant.

"Babe what do you want to eat?" Yoongi look at me as he was flipping the menu book pages.

"Ya actually can just take me to a normal restaurant than coming here tho" I whispered.

He laugh and look at me "nah that's fine since it's our first date I want to make it special and leave a special memories for you and me" he smiled and it's a soft smile til melting my heart and I'm bout to cry. How can he being so sweet when he is dating.

"Come on just ordered anything you want" Yoongi smiled.

"But...I don't know what to eat...this is so expensive" I whisper.

"hmm..." Yoongi look at me a while then look at the waiter "just get us the most popular dish in your restaurant, thanks"

I'm bout to faint when he literally order the main dish of the restaurant.

"Are you serious?" I asked while widen my eyes.

"Very serious everything I did was only for you so just enjoy the dinner" he held my hand and caressing the back of my hand with his thumb.

"Alright then I'll enjoy it" I smile and our food just arrived then we had our dinner together while chit chatting.

After dinner, we even join the couple dance on the dance floor.
I just place my hands on his chest while his hands in on my waist, we just dance with the romantic music that play by the restaurant staff.
My heart was beating fast and I was feeling so shy when I was closer to Yoongi like this for the first time at the same time I feel like I'm the happiest girl in the world to have a boyfriend like him.

"You look so beautiful tonight" Yoongi whisper as we dance.

"Thanks, you're looking great too" I smile then he lean towards placing his soft lips on mine as he kiss me.

I was surprised at first then slowly kiss him back and wrapped my arms around his neck.

When we break the kiss, I was surprised that my lipstick stain on his lips, and I burst out laughing "oh my gosh I'm so sorry to leave lipstick mark on you"

"What? Really?" Yoongi look surprised as well then we both laugh.
"Sorry to make you looks like a clown" I laughed.

"In fact I was your clown aren't I?" Yoongi said while chuckling.

I help him to wipe it off while giggling and been pull to a kiss again.


After dinner, we went to the amusement park. Even how hard I reject for playing the roller coaster, Yoongi just drag me in and we had a ride on the roller coaster. I scream my lungs out during the roller coaster ride, meanwhile Yoongi who is the only one having much fun on the ride.

After the roller coaster, we even went to play the Viking ship, but luckily we ain't picking the last seat or else I might vomit out everything that I had in my stomach.

Yoongi drag me to get cotton candy after the Viking ship ride.
We had our cotton candy together while walking around the amusement park.

"Y/n wait for me here" Yoongi said as he went to somewhere else and I just wait for him while eating my cotton candy.

When I was looking around the park, Yoongi comeback with something behind him. Then he show it to me the bouquet of roses with a cute teddy bear on it. Aww that's cute~

"This is for you"

"Omg this is so cute, thank you~" I take the flowers from him and sniff it "it's smell so good" I said and peck his cheek. "Thanks so much"

"Glad that you like it, come let's go over there" Yoongi smile as he take my hand and we went to the ferris wheel and have a ride on it while enjoying the beautiful night views of the city in the Ferris wheel.

After our date, Yoongi send me home by driving. He stop his car Infront of my house, then look at me.
"You're home safely" he smile.

"Thanks for tonight, I'm having so much fun" I smile and giving him a peck on his lips then get off the car.

"Bye sweetheart" Yoongi said while looking at me.

"Bye my clown" I giggled "be home safe when you're driving" I added on and he nod as respond then I close the door of his car and he drove off after I get inside to my house.

I got tired after get back from date night and decided to take a hot relaxing bath before sleep.

I put on my pyjamas and sit on the bed as I sniffing the roses that Yoongi bought me.
I unwrapped the bouquet of roses and place it in the vase with water in it then place the vase on top of the bedside table, even spray some water on it to make it looks more fresh.

My phone just ringing and it's from Yoongi. I immediately answer it and lay on my bed.

We're just being apart after the date and he already miss me.
Honestly, I also start to miss him.
We both talk on the phone until I fall asleep with my phone on my hand. And the call are still ongoing.

On the other side, Yoongi were still talking on the phone with Y/n until he heard no one is answering him.

"Are you asleep?" He asked and non of any answer from Y/n.

"You must be tired...sorry to bothering you...sleep tight sweetheart" Yoongi said as he give a kiss on the phone before ended the call and place his phone on the bedside table then head to sleep.


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