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Yoongi Pov.

I sitting Infront my computer table as I was doing my assignment.

I don't know why do I always feel upset whenever Y/n start talking about her online friend.

And I don't even know why am I always get bothering by the things that wasn't really important to me.

Is it because I was that close to her since childhood that makes me even care about everything of her?

I sighed as I lay my back on the gaming chair, closing my eyes decided to take a rest from everything.

"Yoongi... Yoongi... Since when did you become like this..." I mumbling as I massage my head.

After settle down my mood, I continue with my assignment til finish.


The next day.

I saw Y/n just arrived school and went to meet her.

"Morning Y/n" I smiled.

She's so beautiful as always...but the most beautiful was the smile on her. It's like an Angel.

"Morning too Yoongi" Y/n smiled.

"You seems happy today" I asked as I walk with her til reaching the school building.

"Yep! Very happy" she giggled.

Even giggling also cute...

"What's make you happy? Did you just have steak for your breakfast?" I ask with little laugh.

"Yes that's it but there's something make me even more happy" said Y/n with happy face.

"What is it?"

I don't wanna know it but still I ask about it even know I already knew what's she gonna say.

"He reply my text!" She smile even brightly.

I just smile and walk in the school building with her meet up with Anna who is at her locker.

If you're happy...then I'm happy too...just maybe...


Skip class/Basketball court.

If wasn't my unstable mood, I would probably refused the invitation from Jimin who ask me to come have a match with him.

I throw the ball try to get three points but I failed.

"Dammit" I curse then I just went to sit on the bench, drinking my water.

"What's wrong? You never fail on the match tho..." Jimin come to me with the ball, sit beside me.

"Nothing..." I hold my forehead.

"Is everything alright? You seems not fine" Jimin look at me.

"Mind to spill that tea bro?"he added on.

I just sighed "I don't know myself either how to spill that tea"

"Oh come on our Yoongi aren't like this" Jimin place his arm around my shoulder.

I move his arm away from me.
"get your hand off of me dude"

"This is my bro, come on another match" he get up and throw the ball to me.

I catch it and sighed "last round!"

"That's the energy I want bro because it's more like u" He eyes smile and run to the court.

I lazily went to him and have another match with him.

When I was on the match with Jimin, suddenly a familiar voice appear from the entry.

"Yoongi you're here!"

I turn and saw Y/n come in with Anna then I got hit by the ball who just throw towards me.


"Oh shoo I'm sorry hyung" Jimin shocked.

I glared at him and he just giving me an awkward smile.

"Yoongi...are you ok?" Y/n run towards me to help me up.

I just get up with her help and shook my head.

"I'm ok, don't worry..."

"Yah! Are you idiot? Suddenly throw ball at him for what?!"Anna suddenly raise voice at Jimin.

Me and Y/n just look at her scolding Jimin for what did he done.

"I- well I didn't mean to..." Jimin kinda surprised with Anna sudden action.

"I'm gonna report to teacher that you bully Yoongi" said Anna who about to go out the court.

"Yah! No don't it's not what you thinking" Jimin try to explain.

Y/n pull Anna hand stopping her to go out.

"Anna give a chance to let him explain..."said Y/n to Anna.

Anna just look at Jimin with annoyed look.

"We were on the match, then I heard Y/n call me so yeah I didn't focus on him that's why the ball hit me" I explain before Jimin.

"Uwu hyung~" Jimin just look at me with his puppy eyes.

"Well... it's my fault, I shouldn't disturb you guys playing" Y/n smile awkwardly and bow "sorry".

"Sorry too for misunderstanding"Anna apologize at Jimin.

"Nah that's ok, well... what's make you two find me?" I look at them.

"Oh! About the event...teacher ordered us to decorate the hall this Friday...since the prom will held on Saturday" Y/n look at me.

"Oh ok got it" I just nodded.

"But...we still need more students to help us with the decoration..."Anna hold her chin then put her eyes on Jimin.

"Why you looking at me like that?" Jimin blinking as Anna look at him from head to toe.

"This student looks suitable for helping us to decorate..."said Anna.

"Me? No no no I hate decorating work"Jimin quickly shook his head.

"I don't care you're in!"Anna make her own decisions without letting Jimin to decide it.

"Just come help us I'll treat you after that" I look at Jimin.

"Huhu alright hyung...promise that you will treat me after that"Jimin giving me his cry face.

I just nod in annoying way as I see his expression.

"Nice hyung!" Jimin suddenly hug me make the two girls surprised.

"Yah! Get away from me!!" I push him away then tidy my shirt and walk out from the basketball court.

"Hyung wait for me!!" Jimin grab our bottle and basketball , chasing behind me. Left Anna and Y/n at the court speechlessly.


Does Yoongi fall for Y/n?
Please kindly wait for the next chapter~

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