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Next day/airport.

After arrived at the airport, Jimin keep rushed us to get quick before Anna check in.

We run to look for Anna, finally found her.

"Anna!" I saw her, run towards her with the present that I just bought.

"You guys are so late, I'm bout to go in now" Anna said as she look at her watch.

"Sorry, it's all about Jimin" Yoongi point at Jimin.

"It's was you hyung" Jimin look at Yoongi.

"Enough enough" I look at both of them. Then hand the present to her "Here's a late present from me, have a safe flight" I have her a hug.

"Take care too Y/n" said Anna who hug me too.

I break hug, let Jimin and Anna have some time.

"Babe, remember to keep warm, eat well and sleep well do not skip meals alright? Here... I made a handmade bracelet for you" Jimin wear it on Anna wrist.

"Once you arrive please call me" he peck her forehead.

"Owh cheesy~" I chuckled.

"Anna!!" Anna's mom call.

"I gotta go now, bye guys...see ya when I'm back, bye mochi" Anna hold her tears, went to check in with her parents.

We just stand there watch her til she completely disappeared from our eyesight.

"Come on bro" Yoongi pat his shoulder and we leave the airport.


In the car, Yoongi were driving and Jimin is busy with his phone, I know that he is texting with Anna.

I just sitting at the back, reading all those messages from a group chat. It's so funny how they joking around with Jay.

I chat with them and join them to making fun with him til I can't stop grinning.

Not longer we're arrived at the café.

I just follow them to the café, sitting there looking at the menu.

"What you gonna have for lunch?" Yoongi ask as he look at me.

"Uhm just get me spaghetti then with a cup of hot tea" I look at him then close the menu book.

Yoongi nod then order it for me, I back to my phone as my phone keep vibrating it's was from the groupchat. Damn so active probably still making fun with Jay.

I just reply the message that I got then shutting off as I found my battery almost dying.

The food has arrived and I start eating with Yoongi and Jimin. Only them talking to each other meanwhile I'm just eating my lunch quietly.

And now... I miss my Anna huhu


Skip a couple day/ at school.

It's kinda not used to have Anna around with me in our class.
I just staring at her seat where she used to sit, and let out a deep sigh.

"So boring~ without Anna around" I sighed and lay my head on the table, playing with the pen.


A sudden voice make me quickly stand up and make eye contact with Mdm.Kim.

"Yes ma'am?" I gulped as I know what will she gonna say next.

"You did not focus on my lesson again, how are you going to go for your final exam like this if you didn't focus on my class?!" Mdm.Kim scolded.

"I-I'm sorry ma'am"

THE ONE | Suga ffWhere stories live. Discover now