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It's was a beautiful day , Yoongi taking me to the beach for a date.
We were walking on the beach together while enjoying the warm breeze that blew on our skin with the melody that create by the sea.

I don't know why do I feel so familiar about this scene it's like I ever been here and did the same things with Yoongi on the beach.
A dream that I had long ago just flashing in my mind and I realized it's came true.

I look at Yoongi, my boyfriend who is staring at the sunset. I feel so happy to have him with me. I never feel regret at all, he is really the right guy for me.

"Why are you keep looking at me? Is there something on my face?"

"No~" I giggle and shake my head.
"I just feel happy to have you by my side" I added on.

Yoongi smile and pull me in his embrace "Me either" then he break hug and take something from his pocket.


I look at him confusingly he then kneel down one knee, open up the small box. A beautiful diamond ring just show out from the box.
"Will you marry me?"

I can't help myself from crying and nodded my head "oh my gosh Yoongi, yes of course I will marry you" I smile in tears then he wear the ring on me.

I look at the ring that he put it on my finger and smile while tearing up. "It's so beautiful"

"It's more beautiful on your finger" Yoongi said and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Thanks for accepting me babe, I promise to always love and cherish you"

"Don't say your vows first we hasn't married yet" I shut him up by placing my finger on his lips.

"Aww~ I can't stop myself for saying that let's get married tomorrow"

"Not that fast idiot!"

We laughed and kiss each other under the sunset.

..................   THE END  ................

THE ONE | Suga ffWhere stories live. Discover now