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"Y/n" Jay walk towards me and I was about to turn around to and run but it's too late.
He's already right Infront of me.

"Oh Hi Jay Hahaha" I smile at him awkwardly "what a coincidence, what are you doing here".

Jay scratch his neck "uhm to meet you?"

"Me?" I point at myself as I can't believe what I heard from him.

"Uhm well actually I just came here to grab ice cream so I saw you then come to meet you" Jay explained immediately.

"Oh..." I just nodded and look around hoping to see Florence so I can leave as soon as possible. I don't wanna see nor to talk to him again. It's make me feel uncomfortable.

"Do you want to grab some ice cream?" He asked.

"Huh? Ice cream?" I look at the ice cream store behind me.
I wanted to eat it, but when he showed up I didn’t want to eat it anymore.

"No thanks I don't eat cold stuff" I force myself to smile even tho I don't want to.

Oh Florence where are you, I don't wanna stay with this guy any longer.


Florence side.
I actually already arrived at the ice cream shop where me and Y/n has already decided to meet up there.

When I was waiting for Y/n, I got a notification from Jay.
He was begging me to help him meet up with Y/n. I don't know why he wanted to meet him until I ask everything out from him.
He told me everything how he just realized that he got feeling towards Y/n even broke up with his girlfriend because he think that they're not suitable to be together. He were sick to see his girlfriend being so immature, just a small matter can make it become big until they argue everyday and night then decide to break up.

I biting my bottom lips as I don't know should I let them meet up or nah.
I was having a hard time on which side should I stand?
Help Jay? Or don't let him meet Y/n?

Jay non stop spamming me with "Please just let me see her for once, I kinda miss the moment with her through chatting but she already blocked my contact"

I made up my mind and just help Jay to meet her up, then tell him the location where I will meet with Y/n.

After send out the location to Jay, I felt so sorry to Y/n.
"Please forgive me Y/n I didn't mean it" I said to myself and get up then went to the nearby café before Y/n arrived.

After sitting at the café for about 30 minutes, I saw Y/n and Jay were talking over there. Y/n looks so uncomfortable when she was with Jay. I think...I should be there now. Or else Y/n might find out everything behind this.

When I was about to go to Y/n, I saw another guy approached them. That guy look so familiar it's like I ever saw him before.
I just stay beside one of the shop to not let them see me and watch them.

Who's that? Why does y/n and that guy look so close to each other?
Oh hell no is it her boyfriend?
If it is...good luck Jay...nuna only can help you for meet up but can't help you other things.


Y/n POV.
I was still finding a way to leave but what about Florence? She might find me if I left like that.

I look at Jay who is still standing beside me. Aren't he gonna grab ice cream for himself? Why is he still here.

"Aren't you wanted to grab Ice cream?" I asked.

"Oh yeah but suddenly I don't feel like having ice cream" he said with awkward smile.


I look at my phone, it's already 2pm...we literally just stand here for half an hour.

" you have any places to go? If you don't mind I can accompany you" Jay asked.

"It's ok I'm waiting for Florence if you have other things to do, you can go" I said.

When will he leave tho, and where is Florence, why isn't she here yet.

"Y/n actually I wanted to tell you something"

"What is it" I answered while keep look around and check the time on my watch.

Oh Florence please come out now

"actually I've break with Lesley" Jay said and I look at him.

"What? How come?"

"We've been fight a lot these days til I decided to break with her"

I just look at him.
He were telling about the his break up story with Lesley until telling me about how he finally realised that he got feeling towards me.

This is so funny.

"Uhm well ...will you be my girlfriend?" Jay confess.

If I was like before I would accepted but now I don't have any feeling towards him anymore.

When I wanted to answer his confession, Yoongi suddenly appear from nowhere.

"Sorry boy she's taken" Yoongi literally hold my hand.

I was so surprised bout Yoongi sudden action and keep staring at my hand that been held by him.
His hand are warm and I feel safe with him.

Jay look disappointed after get answer from Yoongi.

"I'm sorry Jay I can't be with you, we're not meant to be" I said.

"Ok I understand, sorry for bothering you and congrats to you" Jay smile and this smile behind him are hurt just like how I feel before.

After Jay left, I look at Yoongi.
"Did you just follow me?"

"And you tell me you were going to meet Florence?"

"Yes I was but she hasn't arrived yet then this guy just shown up" I explained. "But thanks for showing up right on time" I added on and look at the hand that still held by him.

" can let go my hand now" I point on it.

He look at it and didn't even wanted to let go.

"Once I held it, I don't wanna let go" he whispered.

"Huh?" I can't hear him.

"Ok I don't wanna keep it anymore, Y/n... actually I-" when Yoongi bout to tell me something, Florence just shown up.

"Hey Y/n sorry I'm late...oh hello there" Florence smile and greet with Yoongi.

"Finally you're here I almost dying you know" I said freeing my hand from Yoongi who already loosen his hand from mine.

"Sorry~" Florence apologize in cute way.

"Since you're here then let's go"
I was about to walk with Florence, Yoongi just stopped me by calling my name.


"I'm sorry Yoongi can we talk later?"

"Fine, have fun both of you" He sighed.

"I'm so sorry" I said sorry again and just walk with Florence. Left Yoongi standing over there watching us leave.

"Got no chance again" yoongi sighed and left.

I was shopping with Florence and even told her about Jay.
She looks like she know everything then I look at her with serious way.
"Florence tell me the truth, did you already know what's going on?"

" know that I can't do anything so just promise to help him make both of you meet up" She explained.

"No wonder why I met him coincidental, it's was you behind all of this"

"I'm so sorry~ please forgive me I was having hard time when he keep begging me" Florence hold my hand and swing it left to right while apologizing.

"Let me treat you your favourite waffle for apologize" she added on.

"mm...that's a good one"

"I knew it's work come on let's get your favourite waffle" Florence finished and we went to get waffle , after that we went to the theatre and watch movie.

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