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At the park where only Yoongi and I sitting on the bench with umbrella since it's a rainy night.

I still crying in Yoongi embrace after left the café.
I really hate myself for being so dumb and literally just fall in love with a guy that I know from online, still thinking to sharing my feeling towards him and turn out he already has a girlfriend. What a silly girl I am.

After calming myself, I move myself away from Yoongi, wiping off my tears.

"Feel better now?" He asked carefully as he help me to wipe off the tears on my cheek.

I just stay silent, don't know what should I answer. If I said yes he probably won't believe...if I said no, he will ask what's wrong.

"Actually I've saw everything from the café" Yoongi said and I look at him.

"Y-You saw it?"

He nodded and move the wet hair away that stick on my face.

"I'm not supposed to join the meeting actually so I won't ended up like this"

"If you wouldn't attend the meet up, you will ended up being more dumb still crushing on him who he actually got in a relationship with other, which more hurtful? Finding out the truth earlier or find it out later?"

He was right, if I find out later I would be the most dumbest people in the world.

"Don't waste your time on him, think carefully what you think is the most important in your life?" Yoongi look at me.

"Study for final exam, graduate from high school, follow my dream path being a editor" I said as I look at him.

"Yes! That's what you really need to do right now instead of wasting your time on him, take this chance and study hard"

"You're right Yoongi, I just realized I've been wasting my time on social media until I literally almost fail all my subject on the past exam...I should be more focus on my study more than my phone"

"If you need someone to talk to... remember, I'll always be here for you" Yoongi said and my eyes start to teary and hug him tight.

"Thanks so much Yoongi" I couldn't help but start to cry again.

"Yah! Why are you crying again"

"Because you make me touched!"I cried.

He just sighed and let me crying til I stop then he walk me home since I choose to not take taxi nor to take bus.


After walk like almost four street away from the park, we've finally arrived at my house.

"You're home now" Yoongi said as we stop right Infront of my house.

"Well...see ya at school tomorrow"
Yoongi turn around about to walk away then I stopped him.


He turn around and look at me.

"Thanks for tonight, you help me get through a lot" I said and Yoongi just giving me soft smile.

"Anything for my precious"

I look at him in confusing way and my phone just ring theb I take a look at it.
It's Jay.

I just stare at the name of Jay that showing on my screen.

Should I answer it?

"Just answer the call and listen to him"

I look at Yoongi for a while and answer the call but without saying hello.

"Y/n ? Are you there? I know you're there...I'm so sorry to hurt your feeling , I should've public my relationship with Lesley in groupchat first so you won't feel hurt"

I just stay quite and look at Yoongi while listening to Jay's call.

"I didn't mean to hurt your feeling and I just know that you are in love with me since we were met through online. I wanted to say, sorry I couldn't be the one for you , there might be a better man than me who is waiting for you so...can we just stay as a friend like we used to?"

Who the fish told him that I'm in love with him?
I was so shock about all the words that coming from Jay.

"Y/n...I hope you're fine over there, sorry again"

Jay ended the call and I still feeling surprise about how he know that I'm in love with him?


Yoongi Pov.
I was just having a dine out with Jimin at the Fancy Café.
It's was a very peaceful dinner not until I saw Y/n running out from the washroom.

"Aren't that Y/n?" Jimin also saw her and look at me.

"Yea it's Y/n why she's here?" I just look at Y/n who struggling from the bad weather until there's a guy appear and Y/n just run out but been stop by the guy.

I feel wanted to go and help Y/n but I can't be rush , I have to be calm and watch everything first before make decisions.

After watch and heard everything about their conversation, I finally know Y/n are having a meeting with her online friends and that guy who she yell at... I'm sure it's her online crush that she ever told Anna about it.

When Y/n left, I just get up and approach to the guy.

"You're Jay right?"

"Yes I am , who are you?"

"I'm actually Y/n closest guy friend, I wanted to make a horrible mistake"

"What did you mean?"

"You appear in her life and make her fall in love with you and now you leaving wound in her heart and even giving her fake hope...are you even a man or what, if wasn't there got a lot of people here, I would love to give you a lesson. Watch out" I finished and leave the café.

Jimin just giving that guy a "you're dead" look and follow me went out the café.

"Hyung who's that?" Jimin ask as he walk with me.

"Y/n online friend, I have to look for Y/n you just go home don't need to wait for us, bye" I snatch the umbrella from him and run on the street to search for Y/n until I saw a girl who is sitting on the bench at the park without embrella with her.

"That must be her"
I walk towards her slowly and feel hurt to see her being like this.

This is the first time I see her crying alone under the heavy rain.

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