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Time flies and it's already winter day.
The bleach white snow is falling from the sky as it's slightly cover the city in white.
It's was a cold and beautiful white night and it's also Christmas day.

Me and Yoongi were gather at his house as he did a party in his house and we've been invited by him.

No one knows what will gonna happen during the exchange gift.
Only me know it because my present for Jimin is quite big til he will be shock by receiving it.

"Well let's exchange gift shall we?" Yoongi said.

"Oh yeah my favourite part ever" Jimin said in excited way.

Yoongi first, handing him a small gift which is the things that he ever wanted to get. It's was a beautiful male watch that suit his style.

"Omg you really get this for me? Thank you" He cried and I giggle to see how he literally hug Yoongi and make Yoongi look uncomfortable.

"Jimin I got something for you" I said after get notification from my phone and I know that the present is already here.

"You do? Where?"

"Follow me to the outside" I finish and walk to the outside followed by Jimin and Yoongi whol looks so confuse.

"Here's your present" I said as I saw him the big red present box.

"That's so big" Jimin surprised.

"Go open it" I said then I went to stand beside Yoongi and let Jimin open that present box.

"What is inside there" Yoongi ask in whisper.

"You will know soon" I said then watch Jimin open up the box.

Anna stand up with teddy bear and a present bag on her hands.

Jimin shock til fell on the ground and we burst out laughing.

"You ok Chimchim?" Anna look at him who cover his face with both hands. I could slightly hear he was sobbing.

"Somebody is crying~" I teased then Jimin get up and hug Anna immediately.

"Oh Anna finally you're back, I've been missing you all day night just can't wait to meet you one more time" Jimin cried along with Anna who start to tearing up with a smile.

"Aww this is sweet" I try to control myself from crying then Yoongi hand me the tissue but I just wipe it on his sleeves make him speechless.

"You get him the best present tho I wish my present are like that as well" Yoongi said as he look at me.

"You want it? Sure" I look surrounding and take the ribbon then place on top of my head.
"Hohoho Merry Christmas, here is your gift, Mr.Min" I said in Santa voice and make Yoongi laughed then hug me.

"Why is my girlfriend so cute" Said Yoongi who still hug me.

"Heh I'm born to be cute didn't you know that?" I giggled and he tap my nose with his finger tip and I scrunched my nose.


We turn our head and look at Anna who is looking at me with confusing look.

"Can you guys tell me are you guys dating? How come I don't know anything about this?" Anna look at us with her hands on her waist.

"Sowey~" I press my lips and look at Yoongi who is scratching his neck.

"But anyway, congratulations" Anna smile then she quickly turn into crying mode.
"My bestie already dating huhu I'm proud"
Drama Queen wasn't a joke for her.

I can't stand with her and just laugh at her hilarious reaction until we all went to had our dinner at Jimin house.

Anna give each of us the gift that she prepared when she was in Aus.
It's a very cute and beautiful gift that she bought us from Aus.

After dinner, we even decided to went out Having a snow fight, it's was all started by Anna who throw snow at me.

We have so much fun at Jimin house and even took a lot of pictures together for keeping it as a memories.

I sit on the bench with Yoongi and  enjoy the beautiful night sky with laughter from Jimin and Anna who still playing around with the snow.

"They're so happy to be together" I smile as I watch them playing while giggling over there.

"How's you? Are you happy to be with me?" Yoongi asked then I look at him.

"Of course! If I'm not feeling happy why would I still stay with you for almost a year" I said.

"Really? Show me then" He across his arms.

I just lean towards and peck his cheek.

"no no no that's not how you show it you have to be like this way" he finished and just pull me in kiss make me shock by his sudden action then kiss him back.

Anna stop playing and look at us who I kissing under the tree.
"Aww they seems so sweet together" Anna said while feeling happy towards Y/n and Yoongi.

"Do you want it? I'm ready to do it to you" Jimin fix his hair and lick his lips like he is ready to give some hot kiss to Anna.

"That is not how you show love towards your partner! Idiot" Anna said and throw him the snow.

"Come on baby, let me kiss you" Jimin chase her with pouting lips.

"Noooooo ahhhh" Anna scream while laughing as she run around and throw some snow at Jimin.

We break by their laugh and look at them. They are so hilarious together until make us can't stop laughing by watching them.

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