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It's was a dark and stormy night. I was laying on my bed staring at my phone as I was thinking about is Yoongi really coming to my house around this hour?

Just when i was thinking, the door bell just rang and a familiar sounds just coming from outside as the voice of the person is calling my name.

He really came...such a dumbass.

I quickly rush downstairs and open that door after a couple of ringing bell.

"Are you dumb? Why are you coming over here during this hour" I said as I look at Yoongi who already wet by the rain.

"I would do anything just to meet you" Yoongi said as he felt cold while hugging himself and sneezing.

"Hurry up and come inside" I let him in and shut the door, quickly rush to take a towel and hand it to him.
"You're already know it's raining then why are you still coming"

"It's our first date night of course I have to come" He smiled and drying his wet hair.

"You can come over the next day...look at you... already fall sick due to the rain" I poke his cheek.

"This kind of illness can't stop me from seeing my girlfriend" he said as he come and giving me a wet hug. "Thanks for accepting me"

"Yaish! Let go of me you're wet" I keep pushing him but he still hug me.
"You should accept this wet hug too" he said and I give up because I can't even push him away from me since he's too strong to be push.

"Let me go~ I'm going to make a hot choco for you" I said then he just break the hug.

I get up and walk towards the kitchen then start to make hot choco for Yoongi my boyfriend who being so dumb after start dating with me, he willing to make himself fall a sick by the rain just to see me even how hard I was trying to stop him from doing that but he is way too stubborn to listen to me.

After done making hot choco, I walk back to the living room where yoongi were.

"Here's your hot choc-" once I reach the living room, I saw Yoongi who just fall asleep on the couch. I put down the cup of hot chocolate and cover him with the blanket that I got from my room.

He was sound asleep and I just sitting on the floor, watching him sleeping.

He's so cute the way he sleep.

I grin and slightly touch the tip of his nose. He move a little and I quickly take my hand back.

Better don't bothering him from sleeping.

I move myself and take the hot choco then drink it.
I actually make this hot choco for Yoongi, but since that he has already fall asleep so I just drink it instead of wasting it by throwing it into the sink.


The next morning, I was wake up on the sofa with the blanket on me that Yoongi has used it last night.

I sit up and smell something nice that coming from the kitchen.
Then I just get up and went to check it out.
I saw Yoongi who is busy preparing for breakfast. This is the first time I saw him cooking and he looks so cool the way he cook.

"Oh you're already awake?" Yoongi saw me and look at me with a smile. "Morning babe" He added on.

"B-babe..." I blushed and greet back him "M-morning too..b-babe"
"Aww you're so cute" he giggled as he done preparing breakfast and served it on the table.
"Come and had your breakfast" He said then served two glass of milk on the table.

I went towards the table and he pull a chair out for me "here you go princess".

"T-thanks" I blushed and sit down then look at the breakfast that he has prepared for us. It's looks so damn good just by looking at it.

"Let's eat" He said then I start to take a bite and surprise by the taste of the food.

"How's it? Do you like it?" He asked as he look at me.

I chewed for few times then look at him "it's so delicious, I never thought you can cook" I said as I took another bite and in love with the taste of the food.

"I'm so glad that you like it, eat well then" Yoongi smiled and we eat our breakfast together while talking to each other.


After breakfast and done with the dishes.
Yoongi grab his jacket from the couch and putting it on.
"I have to go now but I'll see you at night" he said as he zip up his jacket.

Yoongi leaning down towards me and giving me a peck on my cheek and I start turning red again.

"Dress nicely for tonight cause I'm going to take you out for dinner" He smiled then open up the door and walk out from the house.

"Bye and see ya tonight" Yoongi wave at me while walking away.

"See ya~" I wave back and touch my cheek where I got peck by Yoongi then start to grinned.

I went back inside the house and took a nice shower. After get myself dress up, I lied on the bed and having a video call with Anna as usual.
She were talking about how JIMIN going to purpose her when she is home and she is so excited til the day come.
I just talk about what I decided to do after graduate and didn't even tell her about that I'm in a relationship with Yoongi because I wanted to surprise her during the day when she's home from Aus.

We literally talk to each other like almost 2 hour then she decided to end call since she have other things to do by helping her parents with their job.

I just place my phone on the table after done video call with Anna. Now I'm sleepy due to leak of sleep so then I just took a nap to recharge my energy.

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