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Weekend has ended, it's another of school day.

I just sitting at my own seat holding my phone, thinking why is he hasn't reply me for two days...

"Y/n! Morning~" Anna come and slap my back as usually she did after arrived school.

"Oof- hey morning Anna" I greet her back with a fake smile.

I don't know why I couldn't smile at all , not because of Anna giving me a slap on my back but there's something that I can't understand myself.

"Are you alright?" Anna look at me as she sat on the chair that beside me.

"Nah I'm fine" I just smile at her.

"You lying, everytime you said that you were fine but actually not"

She know me well.

"Tell me what's wrong?" Anna asked.

"Well...I don't know actually" I blinking.

Anna change to look at my phone that holding in my palms.

"Is it about your online friend?"

My heart suddenly beat faster when she mentioned about him.

"I- no not him"I shook my head.

Anna give me her disbelief look again.

"If not him then who?"

"No one just...I'm fine I'm ok Anna" I gave awkward laugh.

"Uhmm ok , if anything just spill that tea alright? Don't keep it yourself...I don't wanna see my bestie get hurt" Anna said as she hold my hand.

I just nodded and the class has started, Anna went back to her own seat.

I stare at my phone.

Where are you? Why didn't you reply me yet?

I place my phone back in to my pocket, all my mind was full of him until I day dreaming all the way til the class ended.


Break time/cafeteria

Like usually, me , Anna and Yoongi having breakfast together at the school cafeteria.

Two of them just talking about the upcoming prom event at school while me...I still thinking of the guy until I didn't even really ate my breakfast.

Yoongi realize as he wave his hand Infront of me.

"Y/n? Y/n?" He calling.

I back to reality as I look at him "Yes?"

"Are you alright? You seems down..."Yoongi look at me.

"Yeah I'm fine don't worry" I just giving him a smile then eat my Bibimbap.

Yoongi change to look at Anna and Anna just shrugged as she don't know what's wrong with me.

Yoongi sigh then look at me.
"Y/n...if there's something bother you, just mind to tell us...we are here for you"

I look at him and nod. "Alright...thanks"

"Well? Are you not gonna tell us anything?" Anna ask as she drink her latte.

I look at both of them and put down my chopsticks and spoon.

"I...well I don't understand why am I feeling upset just because of..."

"The online friend of you?" Yoongi ask in smooth voice.

"Uh...well yes, he hasn't reply my text for two days..." I look down.

"Oh Y/n are you falling in love?" Anna suddenly ask this question that almost make me choked by my own saliva.

"I- No! How could I just fall...with my online friend..."

Am I? Did I fall in love with him?

I questioning myself in my heart all the answer I get was heart beating faster than usual everytime we mentioning about the guy.

"If not then why are you upset just because he didn't reply you?" Anna look at me.

Yoongi look at Anna and shook his head asking her to stop then back to look at me.

"Y/n...listen, maybe your online friend is busy so that's why he didn't check his phone at all who knows?" Said Yoongi.

"Yeah come on cheer up! You still have us here" Anna slap my arm.

I just stay silent looking at them and sigh. "Alright~" I smiled.

"That's our Y/n" Yoongi smile as he pat my head.

We just had our breakfast and talk about the event til the break time ended.


Skip/at home.

I sitting on my bed after shower and get changed.

I take my phone and scrolling my social media.
He still not online yet...

Where are you?

I lay down on my bed, staring at the ceiling thinking about what Anna just ask me.

"Are you falling in love?"

"Did I?" I hold my chest as I asking myself.

Even if I asking about myself, I still don't get the answer...

I just lay on the bed til I slightly falling asleep.

During my sleep...I suddenly awake by my notifications tone.
I take it and check out what is it.

I widen my eyes as I saw his name shown on my notifications.
I quickly open up his message.

Him🐯: I'm sorry for not replying you... I've been busy lately.

The excitement in me start boiled up whenever I see his name pops up on my notifications.

Y/n🐹: Oh it's ok I understand

The feeling of upset inside of me has gone after chatting with him.

We've been chatting together til late night like we used to it until both of us saying goodnight to each other...

I place my phone on the table, head back to sleep with happy feeling. I even having a sweet dream unlike two days ago can't even have a good sleep.

Guess... I've falling in love with you Jay...

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