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Day passing, it's already Friday.
Teacher gave us permission to skip the classes for today just to go prepared for the prom tomorrow.

At the ballroom of our school, I look at Y/n who is busy ordering student to arrange the table for food station.

"Yah! Are you stupid?"

I change to look at Jimin side. He is being scold by Anna just because he keep making mistake on the wall decoration.

"Look! This one and that on isn't in the same length" Anna hit him with paper that she holding.

"Yeah yeah I'm sorry please don't hit me" Jimin avoid from her paper attack and just do as she say, rearranging the wall decoration.

I shake my head as I can't with this two people.

"Senior, where shall we put this vase on?" Two students that came to me with the vase.

I look at it then look surround the room.

"Just put the at the side table , one at here and other one over there...for the rest just put at the corner of the room that's all" I ordered.

"Alright" they nod as they start putting the vase on the place that I just mentioned.

As soon as possible, we finally finish with the decoration. I look outside from the window, it's already evening.

"finally finished, ugh so tired" Jimin immediately sit on the chair, massage his shoulder.

"Thank you for the helping guys" Y/n and Anna thanks to the students who help us with these all works. Without them, we wouldn't finish it up.

As the students left the room, I look at them.

"Time to go home, it's late now the school might close soon" I said as I look at my watch.

"Yeah we better go home now" Y/n nodded then we leave the room and went out from the school building together.

All the way exit the school, Y/n is on her phone, she is replying to her online friend's message that after busy with the decoration all day.

I can slightly see the smile on her face when she's texting...

I don't even know why am I feeling moody once I saw she's texting that guy.

I move away from looking at her met up with Jimin who is staring at me for 1 inch close.

I immediately push his face away from me.

"Looking for death?" I say in a cold tone.

"Ops I'm sorry" Jimin gulped then look at me "hey hyung, are you interest in her? I've been seeing you keep putting your eyes on her tho" He added on.

I just giving him death stare, he finally shut his mouth.

"Well my car is here, see you guys tomorrow~ come Y/n" Anna pull Y/n to her car since Y/n having a overnight on Anna house due to Y/n's parents went to business trip.

THE ONE | Suga ffWhere stories live. Discover now