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After 11 months has past, It's a very special day today which is my graduation day.

I'm so happy that I finally graduate from high school and even get good grade til making my parents so proud of me.

"Congratulations Y/n here's your flower" Yoongi approach to me with a smile.

"Thanks, congrats to you too"
We laugh and my parents look at us.

"Why don't the two of you taking pic together?" My mom smiled as she ready to snap picture of us.

"Oh yeah sure, but... Someone is missing" I look at the empty space beside me, how I wish Anna can graduate with all of us here so we are completed.

Yoongi just pat my shoulder and smile "Soon we'll be completed as 3" .

"It's 4 ! Hyung how can you forget about me"
Jimin approach to us and bow at my parents to greet them "Hello Uncle and Hello too Aunty".

"I'm your bro and also boyfie to Anna , so we are 4" Jimin said as he stand between us.

I chuckle as I can't with them. Even my parents also laugh at how Jimin and Yoongi talk. They're both so hilarious when they're together, especially Jimin who always make Yoongi went speechless and so done with him.

"Since Anna can't be with us, so...let me take her place to take graduation pictures with you guys" Jimin wrapped his arms on my shoulder and also on Yoongi's shoulder.

"Alright guys, smile at the camera in 3...2...1"

When my mom snap the picture, Jimin literally just pull Yoongi cheek til the picture of us become more hilarious.

Yoongi just chase Jimin after taking pictures and left me with my parents laughing at them.

My phone just ringing at this moment, I took out my phone and check who is calling me.

It's was Anna who invite me to a video call. I quickly answer it and what I got was her meme face with graduation outfit on her. Seems like she also graduate from other side.

"Omg you scared me"
We laugh through video call.

"Sorry can't be around with you guys huhu but let's graduate through video call then woohoo happy graduation day" She scream through video call.

"Yayyyy Happy graduation day~~"
We giggle and having a small talk through VC until Yoongi and Jimin approach to me greeting with Anna.

"omg chimchimmmmmm" once she saw her boyfriend she can't stop making tiny scream.

"Uwuu my cuppie cake how are you doing there" Jimin said.

"Here we go again" Yoongi sigh as we know that they might talk for so long until realized me and Yoongi still here watching them.

"Guys please smile cause I wanted to screenshot it as our graduation pictures" Anna said and we smile at the cam then take a screenshot to keep it as our graduation picture.

"Nice shot, well I have to go now goodbye y'all huhu" Anna waving her hand at us. "I'll see you guys soon, buh bye"

The video call with Anna has ended. I place my phone back to my pocket and been ask to went to take pictures with my other classmates so I just follow and taking pictures together.


Time past, and I've already graduated from high school. I stay at my room and looking at those graduation pictures that has been printed by my mom. Everyone looks so good in the picture.

All of the memory in school keep playing in my mind. I'm gonna miss all those times.

I keep all the pictures well in the album book, and place the two of the picture of me and my best friends in the frame then place it on my study desk.

THE ONE | Suga ffWhere stories live. Discover now