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Your POV.

The next day, me and Anna went to the nearby shopping mall to get ourselves a dress for tonight party.

I look around the outlet as I looking for a suitable dress for myself but I couldn't find any.

"Y/n? Did you find yours?" Anna asked as she come to me after done picking the dress that she founded.

I just shook my head "I couldn't find any that is my taste here"

"Nevermind, later we go to the next shop ... Allow me to pay this first"

I nodded then wait for her.

After that, we went to the next shop to find dress for myself.

It's took a long hour to shop, finally found a suitable dress for myself.

"Next, we gotta get a pair of shoes for our dress" said Anna.

"Let's go!"

We head to the nearby shoes shop, bump into Jimin who also wonder around the shop.

"Hey there~" Jimin saw us and greet us with his eyes smile.

"Hi Jimin" I greet back him.

"What you guys doing her" Jimin look at us.

"We were just came here to buy a pairs of shoes for our prom dress" Anna answered.

"Oh~ Nice! Let me help you" Jimin grin.

"No thanks, come Y/n" Anna pull me to go look for shoes left Jimin behind.

"Y/n look! This high heels so beautiful" Anna point at the shows that is shining like the diamond.

"It's suit your dress tho but the price..." I gulped as I see the price of the high heels.

"I know right" she sighed. "If I have enough money, I surely will buy it" she added on.

"Don't be sad...I think that also suit for your dress too" I point at the other high heels that got ribbon on it.

"Uish then I get this one, bye blinking shoes" Anna wave at the expensive high heels and walk to the shoes that I mentioned.

I chuckled as I see Anna reaction change so fast.

"How do I look?" Anna try on the heels, showing to me.

"Pretty like a princess" I smile.

"Aww that's my friend, well I'll get this then...what about you? Don't wanna go look for it?"

"I'll go look for it now"

"Alright" Anna nodded then I start to walk around the shop. Looking at all those beautiful shoes until bump on someone's back.

"Ops I'm sorry sir" I bow.

"Oh! Y/n!" Jimin voice appear make me look at him through the shoulder from the one that I bump on it.

The guy turn around looking at me with a shoes on his hand.
It's Yoongi.

"Hi?" Yoongi smile.

"Hi" I smile back at him. "Are you looking for high heels for yourseld?" I point at the high heels that he holding and chuckling.


Jimin burst into laughter keep hitting Yoongi's arm.

Yoongi giving him a glare make him shut. He place down the shoes and clear throat.

"Ehem! Actually Jimin wanna buy high heels so I came here to help him, such a weird friend I have"

I widen my eyes , can't believe what did I heard.

"What!? You wear high heels?" Anna suddenly come and laughed.

"Yah yah! It's not me!! It's Yoongi hyung" Jimin explain but no one heard,me and Anna just laughing there.

"Hyung~ why are you doing this to me" Jimin bout to cry.

Yoongi act like he didn't hear him.

"It was you who wanna buy it...just admit it hyung~" Jimin said.

"You say wanna get it for-" Jimin hasn't finish his words already get cover by Yoongi palm.

"Shut or die?"

Jimin quickly raised both hands surrender. Yoongi finally let him go.

"Well...Y/n have you found any?" Anna look at me.

"uhm...I think I just give up, cause I suddenly remember that I got a shoes that suit for my dress" I smile.

"Ok then let's go back home get ready" Anna smile and I just nodded.

"See you two tonight, bye" I wave at Yoongi and Jimin then walk out the shop with Anna.

"Why don't you just admit it hyung"

"Shut up, you will ruined it dude" Yoongi giving him a glared then leaving.

He just stop right at the exit make Jimin bump on his back.Yoongi once again give death stare at him then went back to the shop again.

Jimin shrugged and follow him.



Everyone were so handsome and pretty tonight. I just standing near the food station while drinking my juice.

Since Anna went to washroom, so I just scroll my phone waiting her to comeback.

I chat with Jay like usually and grinning over there with the joke that he told me about how dump he is at his part time job.

"Pabo" I say in tiny tone as I reply him.

Suddenly a lot of girls screaming, make me look up from my phone.

What happening?

Two familiar guy came in the ballroom make the girls scream to their handsomeness.

Yoongi wearing black suit and Jimin wearing white suit.

They're like the prince in different vibe.  Jimin is like the prince charming that every girls dream of, as for Yoongi...he is like the prince of darkness.

"Wow they sure can make girls scream huh, even I almost scream out when I see them" Anna suddenly appear beside me that's make me gasp.

"Since when are you here?"

"Since you're dumb" Anna answered and laughed.

"Da heck" I give her a wtf look.
Yoongi and Jimin come towards us as they saw us.

"Wow looking pretty tonight girl, except Anna" Jimin start the convo.

"Wanna die?" Anna bout to giving him a punch and I stop her.
"He was just joking" I said.

"Well... Yoongi you're looking great except Jimin" Anna pay back make Jimin speechless.

"Alright enough the two of you, let's go join the dance shall we?" Yoongi said.

"I'll dance with Y/n, come" Anna drag me to the dance floor.

Jimin look at Yoongi "hyung?"

"Ew! Don't you ever dare" Yoongi walk away.

"I'm kidding hey hey where you going~" Jimin follow Yoongi.

Yoongi just ignore him and sitting on the chair drinking his juice.

THE ONE | Suga ffWhere stories live. Discover now