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Yoongi Pov

After seeing Y/n left I know I've messed up. I didn't mean to hurt her by teasing her like that.

"Idiot me" I smack myself and went to look for her but then got stopped by Jimin.

"Yoongi hyung~ You bully Y/n~ gotta report to Anna now" Jimin took out his phone bout to call Anna.

I quickly smash his phone from him, then ended the call.

"Don't you dare, if you report to her you are ded" I throw the phone to him. He quickly catch it before its fall on the ground.

"Fuuh luckily my phone didn't break" He pat his chest as he sigh in relieve.

I just walk away from Jimin and went to look for Y/n. I gotta apologize to her.

"Eh- hyung where you going? Wait for me~" Jimin follow me.

In the hallway, I could clearly hear there's a lot of students were talking shit about Y/n.
Once they saw me and Jimin they start to fangirling over us.

"Ahhh it's Yoongi and Jimin omg"

"Omo Omo Yoongi ahh~"

"They're so handsome! Omg"

A group of girl students start to surround us while fangirling.
This is the most annoying things that I hate. But Jimin seems so enjoy, still smiling at them and waving hand , even allowed them to snap pic of him.

I rolled my eyes and walk through the crowd, left Jimin with the fangirl there.

"Hyung! Wait for me" Jimin shouted as he trying to come out from the crowded people but he failed.

I just straight forward to Y/n class to see whether is she in the class or not, but I couldn't see any shadow of her in the class.

Where will she go?

I look around and met with her classmates then stopping them from get in the class.

"Excuse me, where's Y/n?" I asked.

"Y/n? Oh you mean the stink girl?" She laugh with her friend.

"Nah we don't know where is she, why are you looking for her? Ew"

I clenched my fist when I just realized it's them who spread toxic about Y/n to the whole school, I immediately grab her collar make she shock by my sudden action.

"Don't ever call her stink girl and be so mean towards her! She's your classmate bitch"

"L-let me g-go" she hit my hand as she trying to get free from me.

"Let her go!" Her friend come and help her by freeing my grab from her.

I let go of the mean girl and look at her with serious look.
"If you tryna spread toxic again , don't ever think of graduate from this school"

After warn that mean girl, I scanned the students surrounding the hallway and warn them with my death stare.

They got scared and just stay silent, even running away.

I just walk away from Y/n class, continue to look for her.
If she wasn't at her class then she might at that place.


Y/n pov

After leaving from the field, I just went to the rooftop taking some fresh air.

If wasn't the punishment I won't ended up getting hate by the students. Why are they being so mean to me, even my childhood friend- Yoongi too?

I throw my fish in the air angrily.

"Bastard! Bastard! Yaish!!" I shout in the air and hold my waist felt so angry about Yoongi.

"If I saw him again imma gonna- "I turn around punch the air but literally punch on someone face.

"I-" I stun as I saw Yoongi who got punch by me.

He hold his nose and hissing.

"T-thats painful..." He look at his palm, and I gasp as I saw his nose were bleeding.

"Y-You ok?" I start getting worried for him. I didn't mean it and didn't even know he were behind me.

He just wave his hand saying that he's fine. Then look at me.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean it" I apologize.

"No I deserve this, I'm the one who supposed to apologize, I'm sorry for teasing you just now" Said Yoongi who covered his nose.

"Hmph now you are sorry" I across my arms, pouted.

"Forgive me please, I'm sorry, or you can just punch me one more time, no! As many as you want" Said Yoongi who open his arms allowed me to punch him but I don't.

"Ok fine I forgive you, but first solve your nosebleed first"

He just pinch his nose and tilt his head slightly forward, then we head down the washroom.

I just waited him outside til he come out from the male washroom.

"Is it stop now?" I check his nose.

"Yep" he nodded.

"That's good" I sigh in relieve.

"Found it!"

We both turn and met with Jimin who is running towards us.

"Where were y-you guys go? I..I literally look around the s-school but couldn't guys" he said with heavy breathe.

"Take a deep breath first dude" Yoongi said and Jimin just taking deep breath and exhale.

"I see the class is almost start now, we better go back to our class, let's go" said Yoongi then we walk away from Jimin.

"Yah! Why are you guys always lefting me behind? Hey! Wait!!" Jimin quickly follow us until we separate and go in to our own class.

It's weird that I didn't heard any bad talk about me from the students in the school anymore, but.. that was good, so that I can studying without thinking much about it and make me dozing off in class.


At home.

As usual, I done all my homework and laying on my bed, chatting with Anna and my online friend, Jay through sosial media.

I told everything what has happened in the school this morning until Anna literally scold Yoongi for teasing me when she wasn't around.

It's so funny on how Yoongi apologize for N times to Anna until making promise that he will treat her a lot of things when Anna coming back from oversea.

I change to Jay chatroom and replying his text.
He told me about how's his day.
He seems to have bad day too.

I just comfort him by telling him that everything will be fine.

We literally chatting to each other til midnight until we decided to say goodnight to each other.

I place my phone on the table then head to sleep .

My mind are full with all the funny conversation with Jay that make me smile in sleep.

I wish one day I got to meet him and telling him how I feel for him.


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