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It's was a beautiful day, I went to the the café since Anna invited me to meet her up.

After arrived the café, Yoongi already there with Anna.

"What's up?" I sat down next to Anna as I put my handbag on my thighs.

"Well... just wanna have a good time with you guys"Anna smiled.

"Hmm? What do you mean by that?" I confuses.

"Before that, let's order something shall we?" Anna smiled.

We just nodded and order foods for ourselves.

Not longer our foods has served.
I cut a slice of my chicken chop and eat it.

"Well? Can you tell us what is it?" Yoongi start the convo first.

I look at Anna as I chewing the food in my mouth.

"Guys... I'll be going study abroad start from tomorrow"

"What? Why?" I look at Anna.

"Well... it's my father decision so I can't refuse it" said Anna.

This is so sudden and I can't really accept it but I have to.

"Ahh~ I don't wanna leave you guys" Anna sobbed.

"Aww Anna don't cry, if you cry I wanna cry too" I pat her back.

Anna just hug me, and I give her back a hug.

Yoongi hand us the tissue "settle down... People are watching ,later they thought I'm the one who make you guys cry"

"Oh- thanks"
We take the tissue from him, settle down our mood.

"Alright let's have happy time today" Anna smile, hold her cup up "cheers"


After café date with Anna, we did went to alot of places that we used to go since back then.

We also hangout at the amusement park.

Riding rollercoaster, the Viking ship etc...

We have so much fun til the evening. We even taking alot of photo together to keep as memories at the amusement park.

"Thank you for today guys, I won't forget about today" said Anna.

"No thanks, this is what we should do as your friend" I smiled.

"Yep" Yoongi nodded.

We walk out from the amusement park while chit chatting.

"Anna! Anna!"

A familiar voice came from nowhere. We follow the voice and saw Jimin who is running towards us.

"Finally catch you up, I thought there's no enough time to meet you one last time" Jimin panting.

Yoongi just drag me away from them giving them a space.

We just stand beside the tree watching them.

Jimin keep talking with Anna but I can't hear what they talk about. All I know is Jimin hand out a pretty gift box with a flowers. How sweet!

Anna look shocked and surprised but didn't even accept the gifts.


Anna POV.

After having fun time with my best childhood friends. Jimin suddenly came look for me.

I look at him confusing, why is he here?

"Finally catch you up, I thought there's no enough time to meet you one last time" said Jimin while panting.

I saw Yoongi and Y/n walk away was about to follow them, but Jimin stop me by holding my wrist softly. That's make me a bit surprised.


"Uh..." I look at his hand that on my wrist.

"Oh sorry..." he quickly let go my wrist then hand me a present with a bouquet.

"Here's the gift for you and actually...I like you Anna, since the day we first met at the basketball court..."

I look at him surprisingly. Did he just confess to me?

"You're so special than the other girls out there...that's make me fall in love with you...I heard that you gonna went to study abroad that's kinda shock me so I take this chance to confess my feelings to you...will you be my girlfriend?" Jimin looked at me.


If wasn't about study abroad I would probably accept him but now...I don't know how.

Jimin still look at me and wait for my response.

"I...I'm sorry"

I look down. "I'm sorry because...I don't want you to be lonely without me beside you if I accept you"

"I don't care" Jimin held my hands.

"I can wait you to come back... No matter how many years you gonna stay at other country, I can wait... I love you Anna I really love you from the bottom of my heart" said Jimin in such a soft tone.

I get touched by his words and tearing up, immediately burried my face on his chest crying.

He was startled at first, slowly giving me his warm hug, patting my back.

I just hug him, staying in his embrace for a moment.

I move away, look at him again while wiping my tears.

"I accept it" I said in sob way.


"I accept to be your girlfriend!"

Jimin were so happy after get my answer. We hug each other again and I did receive a kiss from him.

I widen my eyes as I surprise with his sudden action. Slowly...I kiss back him. Literally forget thay we are at the public.

After the confessions... I received a text from Y/n, saying that she already go home and ask me to spend time with my boyfriend- Jimin.

Jimin took me having a night walk at Han river, this is our first and also last date for us...since I'll be flying by tomorrow.

Jimin and I sharing our memories how we always fight together in school once we met up with each other...that was so funny.

We just sitting on the ground looking at the beautiful night views of the city as the times has getting late...Jimin send me back home.

"You're home safely my bibi" Jimin stop his car right infront of my house.

"Thanks for sending me home and also spending one last night with me" I look at him.

"My pleasure...oh yeah give me your phone"

I just hand him my phone, he take it and type something on it then hand it to me.

"Miss me...just call me, I'll always answer your call" he smiled.

I immediately hug him and whisper at his ear "Goodbye mochi" I let go the hug, giving him a kiss on his cheek then quickly get out from his car and run in my house.

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