Chapter 11

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Times flies, it's another weekend.
I just woke up from bed and head to take shower.

After that, I went follow my family to go out together. Since that my mom lazy to prepare for breakfast so we decided to had our breakfast at outside.

Not longer, we've arrived at the café where we used to had breakfast since I was a child back then. It's a very popular café in our town. The food in this café is very delicious, sometimes will have no chance to get to sit in the café and had breakfast here due to the café is full with customers. But luckily, we get to had our breakfast here.

After we sat down, the waitress come and serve us the menu.
My dad just order for us and we waited for our food to be arrive.

I look around the café, there's nothing change, still the same way as before. Kinda miss the time when I was a child.

I just took out my phone as the foods arrived. I snap some pictures and share it on my status. As soon as possible, Anna just reply to my status.

Bestie Anna🐶💕
Oh my wasn't this from the
Old town café? I miss the food
There 😭

Yep 😹 wait til you are back from
Aus, let's dine out in this café with Yoongi them

Bestie Anna🐶💕
Sure 😭👍 I have to quickly graduate from here so that I can go back as soon as possible to gather with you guys😭

Nah you just can't wait to be with Jimin again😹 I know that😌
Both of you are the same😌

Bestie Anna🐶💕
I- 😳 Y/n!! Don't exposed me please🙈

I'm trying so hard not to laugh in public. And literally almost choked by my food.

"Sweetheart? Are you alright?" My mom ask as she look at me.

"Yeah I'm alright" I replied with lil giggle then had my breakfast.

I scroll my phone to reply chat while eating my breakfast.
Now I literally choked by my food the moment when I saw a text on group chat.

Florence (online friend)
if Jay and Y/n get married I bet they'll be the sweetest couple ever.

My mom saw me keep coughing due to choking by the food, she just hand me the drink.
"Ya alright? Sweetie?"

I just nod and drank my drink. Now I feel much better. But...

What the fish is this?

I could feel my ear is hot after seeing a text like that.

Not only that one text but still have some text about how they ship me with Jay. I'm trying so hard not to grin or else my parents would think I'm weird, grinning at the phone like crazy people.

After breakfast, I just follow my parents to the grocery store to get things for our 'empty' fridge.

Since there's so many things got discount, my mom literally buy a lot of things til the car almost full.
Then we had back home after grocery shopping.

My mind full with the text about my online friends ship me and Jay.
I know this is so ridiculous but I kinda like it?

I can't stop myself from grinning and rolling myself on the bed until fall off the bed.


"Y/n~Are you alright up there?" My mom shout from downstairs.

"Yes Mom"

I rub my butt as I get up from the floor. I went to my study desk and doing my homework that I hasn't even finish yet. But I still can't stop myself from thinking of it and giggling over there alone.

I take a deep breath and exhale.
"Fuuh calm down Y/n, stop think of it" I said to myself and continue finish my homework and even study for the upcoming exam.



Weekend has already ended, it's school day again. Yoongi and I even Jimin gather at the library to study for the upcoming exam. But we ain't serious with it because of Jimin who keep bothering Yoongi from taking note by pushing his elbow til he ruin his note.

"Pfft-" I quickly cover my mouth and not to laugh, since the library doesn't allowed people to make noise.

"Park Jimin! Stop it before I kill you" Yoongi whispered in soft tone with annoyed way.

"I didn't mean it, i don't know why is my elbow suddenly just hit on yours, you see" Jimin hit on Yoongi again but accidentally hit on the chair since Yoongi just move his hand away before got hit by Jimin.

"Ouch- h-hurt!" Jimin hold his elbow and shout in pain.

"Park Jimin! Be quiet!" The teacher in the library look at Jimin with made face.

Me and Yoongi just laugh at him without laughing sounds.

"N-ne mianhae" Jimin apologize and look at Yoongi. "Hyung can you blow it for me?" He show his elbow.

"Ew that cheesy" I said while still holding my laugh.

Yoongi literally just pinch his arm instead of blow his elbow.

"Ack- Why you do that"

"Why? Stop bothering me from study dude" Yoongi finish and back to study.

I just chuckle and back to study too.

After break time has ended, we went out from the library together.

"Haa~ finally can talk as loud as I can" Jimin said loudly until the students look at him with weird way.

Me and Yoongi pretending we not knowing him and just walk away from him.

"Hey hey wait for me" Jimin quickly follow us and we start to run away from him not letting him to catch us up.

"Yahhh why are you guys start running" said Jimin who still chasing us.

It's so funny how we teased Jimin until he almost cried. Bruh.

After arrived at the floor of our class, we decided to separate and went inside to our own class.

The bell just rang and the next class has started. So far so good I never get any punishment anymore. I'm being too good in class recently because I don't wanna fail for the exam and I have to focus on the class more than day dreaming.

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