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Nick Fury was alive and well despite what the news said. Maybe not exactly well, but he was very alive much to everyones surprise. 

"Lacerated spinal column, cracked sternum, shattered collarbone, perforated liver and one hell of a headache." Nick Fury listed off his list of injuries as he laid in a hospital bed. The place however did nothing to match the bed. It looked like a mixture between a safehouse and an abandoned dam.

The walls were grey and cement with water tricking down them at certain parts. The air was moist and smelled like rust. There was a curtain that separated the man on the bed from the outside of the place. Surgical lights were suspended from the ceiling, shining directly onto Nick Fury like some sort of uncomfortable spotlight. There was an IV tube that linked right to his arm.

The doctor that was tending to Natasha's wound spoke up. "Don't forget your collapsed lung," he corrected.

"Let's not forget that," Nick Fury agreed. Elizabeth was sure if he could, the man would've moved his head and rolled his eyes at the doctor. "Otherwise, I'm good."

From her seat beside the doctor, Natasha spoke up. "They cut you open," she began with a look toward her mentor. "Your heart stopped." Her brown leather jacket had been discarded to the ground as the doctor stitched her up.

"Tetrodotoxin B," the man in the bed answered.

Elizabeth's head perked up at the familiar name of the neurotoxin. "It slows the pulse down to one beat per minute." She started as all heads turned to her, "Dr. Banner developed it for stress." Steve tilted his head at her, silently asking how she knew that, "I majored in chemistry at college."

Raising his hand to her slowly, Nick Fury narrowed his eyes at her, "We'll get to who the hell you are later." Turning toward the rest of the room he said, "Didn't work so great for him, but we found a use for it."

"Why all the secrecy?" Steve asked as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Why not just tell us?"

"Any attempt on the directors life had to look successful," Agent Hill said.

Sam nodded in agreement from beside her. "Can't kill you if you're already dead."

Nick Fury pointed a finger at him, "Bingo. Besides I wasn't sure who to trust."

Elizabeth noticed the hurt expression that crossed Natasha's face at her mentors words. She could tell that she was hit with the realisation that he still didn't know if he could trust her. For some reason, even that made Elizabeth a little sad.

Fury and Agent Hill had explained to the four of them their whole little 'Killer Helicarriers' dilemma. Essentially, everything that Jasper Sitwell told them was true. Fury has moved from the bed and sat at the head of a long metal table. Agent Hill on his side and Natasha opposite the two.

"We have to stop the launch," Natasha spoke up as the doctor finished tending to her wounds. 

Nick Fury, who had recently moved from his bed to a chair, answered Natasha. "Well, I don't think the council is accepting my calls anymore." He opened a briefcase on the table and shoved it over to Maria Hill lightly.

Taking note of what looked like three server blades. "What's that?" Sam voiced out from beside her the question that they all had.

"Once the helicarriers reach three thousand feet," Agent Hill began as she turned around one of the computers and showed them its illuminated screen. "They'll triangulate with Insights satellites and become fully weaponised.

"We'll need to breach those carriers and replace their targeting blades with our own," continued Fury as the screen on the computer moved according to his words.

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