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If there was one thing Elizabeth knew for certain, it was that Natasha was a lot better at driving a motorcycle than her. She had always known but now as she drove against the traffic on the road shakily she would've killed for the redheads skill.

Elizabeth weaved in between oncoming cars on the road as the wind blew harshly in her face. The loud sounds of cars honking and cars swerving made her irritated. It didn't help that Alpine tried to constantly jump out of the backpack she was in, making Elizabeth take a hand off the clutch to gently push the cat back into the bag.

The tunnel she drove down was dark, only illuminated from the limited yellow lights overhead. Squinting past the cars coming in her direction, she looked ahead to see a break in the tunnel coming up. The sunlight casting down onto the road.

She saw a familiar person running past all the cars, his baseball cap long gone. She sighed in relief to herself, happy that she had caught up to him. Turning the throttle of the bike towards her, she sped up and made her way towards Bucky.

Bucky heard Elizabeth before he saw her. The revving of the engine rang through the air, making him stop his running just in time to see her drive up to a stop right beside him. All the cars making a wide berth around the two, not bothering to get out of the cars to see what was going on.

"I was wondering when you were gonna show up," Bucky said sarcastically before swinging a leg over the back of the motorcycle, his right arm going around Elizabeth's waist.

She had turned around to give him a snarky response but stopped when she saw what looked like a person in a sleek black suit on the hood of a car. Looking closer inside the car, she saw Steve behind the wheel. She took that as her cue to twist the throttle once more before driving off with Bucky behind her.

"That's a big cat," she yelled to Bucky over the loud wind. Taking small glances back every once in a while to see the car following closely behind them, the 'cat man' still there.

"Eyes on the road," Bucky chided as she went just a little bit too close to a car beside them.

Not saying anything back, Elizabeth focused on driving between the cars now headed in the same direction as the two. The loud sound of sirens came from behind them, startling her slightly.

Suddenly, Elizabeth heard a thud and felt some extra weight dragging the back of the motorcycle. "Bucky?" She questioned worriedly when she sense the emotions from a third person behind them.

She turned around to see Bucky holding the 'cat man' by the neck, holding him up. Elizabeth turned her eyes back to the road, making sure all three of them didn't go crashing into the wall beside them.

Getting a hold on the unknown persons emotion, she was about to put him to sleep when the whole motorcycle tilted to the left. The only thing stopping them from falling over completely was Bucky's metal arm that scraped across the road with a loud screech.

She gripped onto the handles as tight as she could, only hoping that Alpine wasn't going to throw up in the bag. The screeching came to a halt when she felt the bike being pushed upright. She sat up straight and looked back just in time to see the man jump off the ground and come up onto them.

Raising one hand off the handle, Elizabeth shot a blast of energy over Bucky's head. Her shot found its mark right into the chest of the man, sending him flat out on his back on the ground.

Seeing the exit of the tunnel coming up ahead, she tapped Bucky's hand that rested on her waist lightly, giving him a signal. He understood what she meant and rummaged through the bag for the device. When he saw his opening, he threw the device up, hearing its soft beeping as the bomb counted down.

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