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Elizabeth stood between Bucky and Sam as they all stood around the unusually quiet forest. The wind rustled the branches of the trees but there was no noise coming from anywhere around them. It was so quiet that she could hear the heavy breathing of the rest of the team around her.

In front of her, Steve, T'Challa and Bruce in the Hulk-buster suit all stood in a line. They all craned their necks to look around for any sign of the mad titan. Natasha, Rhodey and Okoye were off to the side, watching carefully at every single movement around them.

Elizabeth looked behind her and saw Wanda standing next to Vision who leaned back on a fallen tree, clutching his stomach. The rustle of leaves made everyone look off to the side across Wanda and Vision. Everyone raised their weapons only to find Pietro standing there with his hands up and eyes wide. They all sighed out shakily before returning to checking their surroundings.

Elizabeth let her eyes linger on the twins as Pietro made his way to stand by his sister, muttering something to her quietly in Sokovian. She could feel their worry and fear for each others safety and tried to tone it down slightly. Wanda looked at her with a tremble in her fingers that held a ball of red energy and nodded nervously.

Feeling someone nudge her foot, she looked to her left and saw Bucky looking down at her worriedly. "We're gonna be okay," she reminded him lightly with a forced smile on her face. Turning to her other side, she saw Sam let out a shaky breath. "We're all gonna be just fine." At this point she wasn't sure who she was reassuring anymore, herself or the two by her side.

The wind picked up in front of them, making the leaves on the ground scatter to the side. They all brought their attention to the small dark blue hole that was forming above the ground. The hole only got bigger by the second, creating a two dimensional door with dark grey puffs of clouds surrounding it.

Everyone's breath stopped collectively when a large figure emerged from the portal. Titan, was the only word fit for this person. Every step that he took seemed as if it was supposed to be accompanied by the 'Jaws' theme song. That alone was enough for Elizabeth to realize that this was Thanos.

"Cap," Bruce said from inside his damaged suit. "That's him."

The rest of them waited for Steve to give their orders. The man sucked in a deep breath before speaking. "Eyes up," he said before activating the shields on both his arms. "Stay sharp."

Bruce was the first to charge up to Thanos, his fist pulled back for a punch. Thanos didn't even spare him a glance as he clenched his fist with the gauntlet. Bruce passed by the titan in slow motion before fusing with the rocks of the cliff, stuck in place.

Steve ran up next with his jaw clenched. He didn't even make it three feet before Thanos swept his hand to the side. Brushing Steve away as if he was some sort of insect, making the man fall hard on his back.

Elizabeth watched in horror as T'Challa went up next only to be knocked into the ground. Turning around, she locked eyes with Wanda. 'Now,' she mouthed to the redhead sadly. Wanda looked like she was about to protest but Vision grabbed her hands gently before lifting them to the center of his head.

"You'll have to put him down," Natasha looked back at Elizabeth grimly. "The rest of us will buy you some time," she continued hastily as Rhodey and the talking tree faced off against the titan. Sam and Okoye nodded in agreement just as Pietro came up beside Natasha in a blur.

Elizabeth shook her head as she focused on controlling Thanos' emotions. "I can't," she said shakily with a clenched jaw as she looked past Pietro to see Rhodey get tossed away like a tin can. "He knows what to do, it's like he's had someone try to do it to him before."

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