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The jet was packed as they flew between mountains to get to their destination. The forests passed by in a blur of green as Elizabeth sat by the window in between Pietro and Rhodey. A file sat in her lap, acting as some makeshift table.

"Well?" She asked the two with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. "You two pass?" She gestured to the mess of playing cards faced down on the file.

Pietro and Rhodey looked at each other carefully, unsure what to say. "You wanna call her bluff or should I?" Rhodey asked Pietro as he held his last two cards in his hands.

"No," Pietro shook his head and Elizabeth leaned back in her seat. "Why don't you do it?" He questioned Rhodey.

"Do you not see this?" Rhodey held up his only two remaining cards. "I am not risking it, you should do it." He told Pietro.

The younger one of the three groaned and slumped in his seat. "Wanda," he called out for his sister who sat beside Vision across from them. Before he could continue his sentence Wanda spoke up.

"I am not entering her mind," She told her brother and Elizabeth exclaimed a triumphant 'hah!' in Pietro's face. "Not again, not after the last time I meddled in your games." She added with a frown, remembering all the past arguments that would ensue.

"Y'know, it's not fair," Rhodey chimed in with a scowl. "You can tell if we're lying," he referred to her powers as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"She does not use her powers when playing," Wanda said and Elizabeth nodded along vigorously. "That much I can tell you."

Elizabeth scoffed when she saw Rhodey and Pietro look at each other unsurely. "Quit stalling," she said in annoyance. "Wanna call bullshit or should we just declare me as the winner?"

Rhodey cursed under his breath and threw his cards face down in his lap. "I call bullshit," he exclaimed before reaching for the cards on the file. He flipped them over to reveal that she was not in fact, bluffing with her last cards.

"No," Pietro whined as Elizabeth smirked at the two of them smugly.

"Suck it." She rubbed it in their faces as she stood up, letting the cards and file in her lap fall to the floor. "That is payback from Monopoly," she said with a grin. She left the two to gather the cards, having an unspoken rule that losers clean up for as long as she can remember.

Making her way to the front of the jet, she stood next to Steve by the pilot's seat. "Are you guys sure about this?" Sam asked the two of them from behind the controls of the jet.

They were heading straight for one of the mountains ahead, the trees becoming clearer the closer they got. "We're sure," Steve told Sam with a nod, recalling the last time they had come to visit Bucky. T'Challa giving them clear directions.

"Hey," Natasha called out to Elizabeth from the seat alongside Sam, Bruce standing beside her. "Did you win?" She asks as she nods her head back to where Rhodey and Pietro grumbled unhappily as they picked up the scattered cards.

"You bet," She answered as Natasha held her hand up for a high-five. Elizabeth reciprocated the gesture before turning to look out the window.

Sam flew them straight into the mountains and she saw him wince out of the corner of her eye, doubting their directions. But then they passed through it like water and she heard him let out a sigh of relief.

"Is this it?" Pietro's voice by her side startled her slightly. She looked to the side and saw him staring at the tall shiny buildings in awe as they flew over the clear water. The city being surrounded by tall mountains and bright green forests making it fit for a painting. As if it being named The Golden City, not being a reason on its own. Within five minutes, they had begun their descent into the Citadel.

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