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Propping her legs up on the desk, Elizabeth leaned back into the chair she sat in. The remaining Avengers all sat or stood in the largest briefing room they had in the compound. Elizabeth sat beside Rhodey with Rocket on the other end of him at the large wooden table in the center of the room.

Natasha sat on the couch pushed up against the side wall with Tony on the opposite end. In the corner of the room was Thor in a large armchair with his usual sunglasses on. His excuse being the morning light was too bright but they all knew he was either too hungover or too drunk.

At the end of the table, Scott sat there with a pillow on the table to rest his head with Bruce standing behind him, blocking out most of the light. Behind the table, Nebula sat in a chair with her back so straight that they all thought she had shut down on them. Lastly, Wanda sat in a chair beside Nebula with Pietro standing by her side.

In front of them all were six separate holographic screens, each one displaying an infinity stone along with the details about it. Such as its last known locations and people that had been in contact with it.

Steve stood off at the end of one screen as he looked at each one of them. "Okay, so the how works," he began. As per usual, taking charge. "Now we just have to figure out the when and the where."

"Almost everyone in this room has had an encounter with at least one of the six infinity stones," Steve continued just as Tony stood up from the chair with a mug of coffee in his hand that looked suspiciously similar to Elizabeth's

"Or substitute the word encounter with 'almost damn near been killed by one of them," Tony added dryly.

As Elizabeth shifted uncomfortably in her chair, she saw Scott raise his hand. "Um, I haven't," Scott said almost disappointedly and Elizabeth had to refrain herself from pointing out how Steve said 'almost everyone'. "But I don't even know what the hell you're all talking about," Scott carried on with a shrug.

"Regardless, we only have enough Pym Particles for one round trip each." Bruce chimed in from behind Scott. "And these stones have been in a lot of different places throughout history."

"Our history," Tony corrected as he walked around the room. "So not a lot of convenient spots to just drop in," he said with a sigh.

Nodding at his words, Elizabeth begun to speak. "Which means we'll have to pick our targets," she said as Tony pointed a finger at her, muttering 'correct'.

"So, let's start with the Aether." Steve looked to the back of the room as he spoke. "Thor, what do you know?"

All of them looked in the god's direction to see him unmoving in his chair, the sunglasses covering his eyes. They waited a few seconds but got no reply from the man, making them all frown at him.

Natasha tilted her head at him. "Is he asleep?" She asked the rest of them in somewhat awe at his abilities to just get knocked out in seconds.

"No," Rhodey replied as he put his head in his hands. "I'm pretty sure he's dead."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes with a sigh before moving her legs from off the table. She extended her left leg and kicked the base of the chair Thor sat in. The chair shook lightly from her kick but Thor didn't even falter in his light breathing. "Oh yeah, he's a goner," she commented.

Steve shook his head before looking at her. "Can you wake him up?" He asked her and she nodded her head at his request.

Tapping into his emotions, she forced a sudden surge of energy through Thor. He jolted up from his slouched position in the chair, the action making the liquid from his can spill onto his pants. He looked around the room startlingly as he took his sunglasses off.

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