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"Here." Sam walked up to where Elizabeth and Bucky stood, tossing a sniper that they had laying around the jet his way. Sam had on his suit and wings on his back as he came to a stop a few feet away from the couple. 

Bucky caught the weapon in his right hand swiftly, before lowering it to his side. He moved the weapon to his metal arm before placing his right arm over Elizabeth's shoulders, the two of them watching as Rhodey exited the jet. The heavy sound of his suit rang in their ears loudly as walked over to them. 

"Did you get the extra comms?" She asked Sam as he moved to stand under the shade of the building. Beside her, Bucky reached behind and placed the gun in it's holster on the back of his uniform. 

He rolled his eyes at her before rummaging around in one of his many suit pockets. "Did I get the comms?" He scoffed as he mocked her voice. Elizabeth glared at him harshly while he took out the earpiece from his pocket. "I still don't like you," Sam muttered to Bucky before he passed the small device into his hand. 

"Fine by me," Bucky retorted as he placed the earpiece into its rightful place. The two continued to glare at each other, Elizabeth watching in amusement by Bucky's arm. Sam had opened his mouth to add another remark but Rhodey silenced him with a stern look.

"I'm not gonna deal with this," Rhodey said as the metal helmet retracted back into his suit. "You two better not start or so help me I will put you two in time out." While Sam nodded at the mans threatening words, Bucky grumbled under his breath quietly before looking back up at the sky, squinting under the sunlight. 

As Elizabeth looked around as the multiple armies scrambled to get into place with their weapons ready, she realised she was missing one crucial factor. "Hey, um," she called out to Rhodey. "What exactly are we trying to stop this Thanos guy from doing? Is he like on an Ultron level or?" She trailed off, not knowing what kind of answer to expect. 

"Trust me," Rhody told her. "Whatever you think this guy has planned, it's much worse," he admitted gravely. 

"Like on a scale of one to ten, where are we in the danger zone?" Sam asked curiously as he checked all the controls on his suit, making sure everything was in order. 

"I'd say a pretty strong 11," Bruce's voice came on over the radio, startling all of them. "He plans to wipe out half of the planet. All with just the snap of his fingers." 

Bucky's hand stopped playing with the ends of her hair at the words. "Using the infinity stones?" Elizabeth asked shakily. 

"Yeah," Bruce answered and they all sighed. "That's why we gotta destroy the mind stone -the one in Vision- without even one of them, he can never win." 

"Great, thanks." She thanked Bruce grimly. "Always nice talking to you, Bruce." There was no response from him as the radio went silent once again. 

Then, Sam and Rhodey began to discuss the tactics they would take. The two were basically the only help they would get in the air so they had to work closely together. As the two spoke, she felt Bucky remove his arms from her shoulder. 

He grabbed ahold of her hand and pulled her further away and out of earshot from the two. He placed her in front of him with his hands resting on her shoulders. Bucky sighed as he stared into her eyes, already knowing that she was not going to like what he said next. 

"If it comes down to me or you-" He began and Elizabeth shook her head from side to side, pushing his arms off her. 

"It won't," she said sternly. While she may have sounded so sure, she could already feel her insides eating her up. Wondering what would happen if he was right. 

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