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"Okay, I think he's had enough sleep now." Sam stood in between Elizabeth and Steve, both who watched over a sleeping Bucky.

The four of them were in an abandoned warehouse somewhere in the outskirts of Berlin. After Steve had apprehended Bucky from the helicopter that he tried to use to escape, Sam and Elizabeth had found -or stolen- a car and the four of them squeezed inside. They drove around aimlessly until they found a place that looked safe enough for them.

That was two hours ago. Steve sighed at Sam's glare at the sleeping man with a shake of his head. "I guess you're right," he said before giving Elizabeth the cue to wake him up.

She walked over to Bucky slowly and knelt down beside him where he was slumped against a pile of crates. His metal arm was chained up with a metal pole, it was a pathetic effort by Sam and Steve to ensure he didn't escape but it was an effort nonetheless. Besides, Elizabeth knew when he'd wake up he would be himself again. She could feel his emotions.

Concentrating hard, she used her abilities and woke Bucky up. At first she thought it wasn't working but then there was a soft groan coming from his mouth. Bucky blinked rapidly with his head still hung low, his hair covering most of his face.

"Steve?" He questioned once he caught eyes of the blond standing a few feet away from him. Bucky having to gaze up to see his face clearly.

Crossing his arms, Steve stared Bucky down with a wary glance. "Which Bucky am I talking to?" He asked carefully.

"It's fine, Steve." Elizabeth spoke up from beside Bucky, bringing his attention to her. He didn't even realise that she was next to him. When he caught sight of her he let out a relived sigh.

Steve was about to protest, saying that they could never be too sure. But he stopped when he saw the way Bucky leaned his forehead against Elizabeth's flannel covered shoulder. He decided to keep his mouth shut and let the two have their moment.

"You okay?" Bucky asked her softly before reaching up to give her a light kiss on the lips, very much aware of the pair of dark eyes watching them closely. Elizabeth put her hand over his as she nodded, reassuring him. "Where's Alpine?"

"I'm not sure," she told him honestly as she brushed back some dark hair away from his handsome face. "They're probably keeping her back at the building." Elizabeth frowned as she thought of how they were going back to get the feline.

Sam cleared his throat, getting all three of their attention. "Um, who exactly is Alpine?" He asked in confusion as Steve nodded along, wanting to know the answer to the question.

"Our cat," Elizabeth answered for the both of them when she saw Bucky's gaze trail back to the floor. His eyes darting back and forth as he tried to recall what had happened to lead the four of them here.

Coming up empty, he knew it could only mean one thing. "What did I do?" He asked Elizabeth quietly, feeling safest with her.

"Enough," Steve chimed in before taking a step toward the two. He looked at his best friend since childhood with pity in his eyes.

"I knew this would happen," Bucky murmured disappointedly. "Everything hydra put inside me is still there. All he had to do is say the goddamn words."

Elizabeth worked on untying the chain around his metal arm as Sam spoke, not bothering to ask anyone if it was alright. "Who was he?" He asked, hoping to get an answer out of Bucky.

"I don't know," Bucky said. His memory may have been hazy but he knew he would remember a face like that.

"People are dead," Steve stated bluntly. "The bombing, the setup, the doctor did all that just to get ten minutes with you. I need you to do better than 'I don't know,'" he said sternly.

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