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"Who are we waiting for again?" Elizabeth asked from the backseat of the small Beatle that they all sat in. She leaned her head against Bucky's shoulder as his arm went around her waist.

The car was parked underneath a bridge that produced a rumbling sound whenever a train passed overhead. In the drivers seat, Steve leaned against the steering wheel as he looked out the windshield. "She'll be here soon," he assured the three in the car.

"Oh a little lady friend," Sam teased in the passenger seat with a smirk at Steve. The blond was about to fire a rebuttal when the sound of tyres on gravel made them all turn their heads.

From behind the pillars of cement, a black car drove up to them only to stop a few feet away from the hood of their car. Elizabeth watched closely as the drivers door opened to reveal Sharon Charter step out of the car. She looked towards the group in the car with a friendly nod of her head.

"Wait here," Steve told them before he opened the door and stepped out to meet Sharon halfway. The three left in the car watched as the two spoke before moving to the trunk of Sharon's car.

Elizabeth absentmindedly played with Bucky's fingers that lay in her lap, her eyes feeling heavy ever so slightly. She let out a light yawn that she covered with the back of her free hand. She may have been sleepy but she knew they still had a lot to do, so she forced her eyes open and sat up straight.

Beside her, Bucky cleared his throat loudly, catching both Elizabeth and Sam's attention. "Can you move your seat up?" He asked once the small space in the backseat had finally caught up to him.

Sam looked at the backseat of the car through the rearview mirror seeing as Bucky moved his long legs uncomfortably in the tight space. He felt bad for the guy, sure Sam didn't necessarily like him since he had tried to kill him before. But that didn't mean he deserved to be treated like crap.

His hand had reached down to pull the back of his seat up but he stopped his movements when he saw Elizabeth mutter something to Bucky, making him smile lightly and kissing her forehead. They made him sick, maybe Sam should give Bucky a hard time. Why not mess with the old man a bit?

Sam brought his hand back up to rest by the window as he stared straight ahead pretending he didn't see anything. "No," he answered the man behind him sternly.

"Come on, Sam," Elizabeth scolded with a shake of her head. Bucky just looked down into his lap as she continued to play with his fingers.

Without looking back at the couple, Sam reached his hand down to the side of his seat, looking for the lever that controlled the position of the seat. His action gave Bucky slight hope but Elizabeth knew better than to expect him to do the right thing.

He pulled the lever backwards and dropped his seat down even more. The back of the seat hitting Bucky's knees harshly. Sam ignored the disappointed sigh from Elizabeth as he gazed out the window, a shit eating grin on his face.

Smiling apologetically at Bucky, Elizabeth moved to the other end of the car as far as she could until her side was pressed against the car door. She patted the free space beside her with a smile at Bucky.

He thanked her softly before moving out from behind Sam's seat. It still wasn't large enough to be comfortable in but it was better than what he had before, that was for sure. Once she had gotten comfortable in her new position, she leaned over to peer over the seat in front of her.

They continued to watch in silence as Steve and Sharon continued to speak. Steve coming out from the back of her car with his shield in hand. The two spoke for a moment before leaning in closer to each other.

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