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Elizabeth walked between Sam and Steve as the three made their way toward the edge of the helicarrier. They were walking as if they had all the time in the world. Which in fact they did not.

"Sometimes when I feel like I'm being too reckless," Elizabeth started out loud as she made conversation. "I think about Steve and I remind myself at least I'm not that reckless."

Sam let out a loud laugh at Steve's offended face. "Hey!" He protested with a scowl.

"She's got a point," Sam agreed with a smile on his face.

They were nearing the edge of the helicarrier when Agent Hill's voice came in through their earpieces.

"I hate to interrupt your little chat," she said as the three paused by the edge. The city below them was barely visible through the thick clouds in the air. "But if you could pick up the pace, that'd be great," Maria added sarcastically.

"Right," Steve agreed as he gripped his shield tighter in one hand. Mentally preparing himself for the ride that Elizabeth so dramatically described as 'The flight of death.'

Sam smirked at Steve's distressed state. "Is Captain America afraid of flying?" He teased with a smirk.

"Please," he scoffed with a roll of his eyes. "I am the man who jumped out of a plane with no parachute."

"That's not a flex," Sam corrected with a laugh.

Maria Hill grumbled over the radio. "Boys," she chided. As the two muttered out a quick sorry.

Sam turned to Elizabeth, "You gonna be okay here?"

"Relax," she told Sam. "I'll get one of the agents to give me a ride down, maybe I can help Natasha out."

"Which would be helpful but not exactly necessary," Natasha's voice suddenly rang though their ears. "Everything is according to plan."

"We'll you're getting my help anyways," Elizabeth muttered while she watched Sam take a tight hold of Steve.

Sam was about to jump off the platform, his wings extended, when an explosion rang out from behind them.

Looking back, Elizabeth saw none other than the Winter Soldier making his way toward them with a rocket launcher in hand. He fired toward one of the three remaining planes as the pilots and agents scrambled to get out.

He was dressed just as she had last seen him on the bridge. All black tactical gear with his long hair messily scattered across his forehead. The only difference was that he didn't have the mask on like last time. HYDRA most likely decided that it had defeated it's purpose since they all knew who he was now.

"There goes my ride," Elizabeth muttered distastefully before turning toward Sam and Steve. "You guys go, I'll buy you some time."

Steve looked at her with hesitation in his eyes. "You sure?"

"I'm not gonna offer a second time," She added before the two made their way to the last helicarrier across from them. Sam grabbing Steve by the shoulders before extending his wings and taking off

She turned around only to be met with a hard kick to her stomach. Elizabeth felt the wind get knocked out of her as she fell to the ground, nearly getting thrown off the platform.

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