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It was safe to say that Elizabeth didn't particularly enjoy parties. It was nice at first, when it was just her and the team. But then more people started coming through the door and it was clear that her and Tony's definition of a 'small party' was very different.

The more people that arrived, the more she was starting to feel overwhelmed. As if there were so many people just poking around in her head shoving all her feelings down her chest. Don't get her wrong, their emotions weren't as bad as being in immense pain of feeling sad. But she still didn't particularly feel like having to deal with someone's drunken need to throw up or having to rub her head from the constant headache.

"You alright?" Steve asked from beside her by the pool table. He had on a blue button up shirt that definitely made at least half of the ladies in the room go crazy. He stood beside her with a pool stick in his hand.

"Yeah, I'm good," she assured him with half hearted smile. "Just feeling a migraine coming on. This guy loosing isn't helping," she motioned across the pool table and jutted her head out at Sam. The three playing knew that Sam was not in fact, loosing. If anything, he was the best out of the three.

Sam rolled his eyes at her jab at his pool skills as he leaned across the table and took aim with his pool stick. "Watch this then," he told the two confidently before striking the ball and depositing it into one of the six pockets. "That's how it's done!" Sam exclaimed with a grin before sending a challenging glance to Steve and Elizabeth.

The two laughed as Sam flexed on them with a proud smirk. "Okay, okay," Steve gave in as he put down his pool stick. "I yield," he gave in to Sam.

Sam muttered a quiet 'yes,' as he clapped his hands together. Looking to Elizabeth he raised an eyebrow, awaiting her answer. "I gotta hand it to you Sammy," she shook her head in defeat. "You played a lot better than last time."

"Cause last time it was at three in the morning heavily under the influence," Sam defended himself as Steve laughed whilst watching the two friends converse. "By the way," Sam started, his playful expression now exchanged with a serious one.

"I got a lead on our missing persons case," He continued as Steve's head perked up. The missing person obviously being none other than Bucky Barnes. Who to Elizabeth wasn't exactly missing, more like living in her old apartment.

She crossed her arms over her white blouse as she readjusted her stance so she was leaning against the pool table. "What do you have?" She asked, hoping that her voice didn't convey all the nervousness she was feeling. Elizabeth was supposed to be looking for Bucky with them, not hiding him. If they found out, god knows some shit would go down.

Sam stole a glance at Steve whose gaze remained one of the last remaining balls on the table. His hope was was bouncing off of him so strongly that Elizabeth felt her heart clench at the fact that she was the one depriving him from the one person he had left from his past.

"I managed to track him," Sam stated slowly as he casted some suspicious looks to the many people around them. All wondering what the three Avengers were talking about in such low and secretive voices. "He's still in Washington, somewhere near Lizzie's old place."

Elizabeth felt her breath stop for a split second. Steve's head snapped up to look at Elizabeth in surprise. "What?" She asked in mock shock, trying to cover up her knowledge of knowing exactly where the man was. "Near my place?"

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