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Elizabeth had been to Bucharest exactly once and that was only for a couple of hours. She had gone with Natasha and Tony on a small mission that was handled fairly quickly. So finding her way to Bucky's apartment was harder than she thought it'd be. But she was sure she'd manage.

Pulling her black coat tighter around her body, she checked all the street signs. Hoping they'd give her some sort of help. Elizabeth knew enough Romanian from her studies that it helped her find the building she was looking for.

Getting into the elevator -since she wasn't in the mood to climb the winding metal staircase that looked rusted in some parts- she pressed the button for the eleventh floor. The small metal compartment was dodgy and creaked with every little movement she made.

When the doors opened she immediately rushed out, looking for the apartment number he had told her. Her heart raced with every step she took closer to the door she knew Bucky stood behind. Elizabeth stared at the red painted door before bringing her hand up to knock. Her hand was a few centimetres from the wood when the door swung from the inside.

Jumping in slight surprise, Elizabeth took a step back to see Bucky Barnes standing there with his metal hand on the door. Dressed in a pair of loose jeans and a short-sleeved grey t-shirt. When he saw that it was indeed her, like he had suspected, he pulled her into the apartment by her hand.

When her eyes met his, he smiled at her so wide that he felt his cheeks hurt. "You're here," he breathed out happily before pulling her in for a hug. His smile only grew wider when she wrapped her arms around him. Bucky was glad to see she still smelled like she always did, like warmth and vanilla.

Elizabeth always tried not to use her abilities to feel what Bucky felt, not wanting to invade his privacy. If she had, in that moment she would feel nothing but love from him. Within the year that they had known each other it was as if they had finally found what they had unknowingly been looking for.

When they pulled apart she looked up at him with a sweet smile on her face that made his insides melt. "You got here okay?" She asked him, her eyes scanning him up and down for anything out of the ordinary.

"I did, Lizzie." Bucky liked it when he said her name, and so did Elizabeth. It gave them both a warm feeling in their chests. When he saw that she had made a move to turn her attention to the apartment the two stood in, he quickly rushed to stand behind her and cover those eyes that he loved so much.

"What're you doing?" Elizabeth asked between short laughs as all she could see was darkness.

Bucky shrugged his shoulders even thought she couldn't see him. "I want to surprise you with the place." he explained.

She shook her head, making Bucky's hands move along with her head. "I'm already in here," she protested as she put her hands over his that rested on her face lightly. "There's no point."

"But," he started as he led her to the center of the small living room, making sure to avoid all the corners of the table and furniture. "You didn't actually see it."

"Fair enough," Elizabeth let him have his fun as she stepped carefully, not wanting to bump into anything. "By the way, how did you know it was me? I didn't even knock yet."

"I heard your footsteps," he answered with his hands still covering her eyes.

Not understanding how that answered her question she continued on, "But that could have been anyone."

"I mean this in the least creepy way possible," Bucky began warily not knowing if she would find his response weird or not. "But I always know when it's you." And it was true. He always knew exactly how her footsteps sounded and how sweet her laugh is.

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