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As it turned out, they didn't have to look too hard to find Bucky Barnes. In fact, Elizabeth didn't have to look at all.

It had only been three days since the fall of SHIELD and the government was still picking up pieces of the helicarriers from the river. Her days were filled with the occasional reporters looking for a story or some government officials looking for a way to lock her up for being a 'dangerous and unstable enhanced person' despite her helping out their precious Captain America. Neither of the two got what they want.

The sound of someone knocking on the door made Elizabeth jump in surprise, nearly making her drop her cup of coffee. Setting down her mug, she made her way towards the front door. Sam had left for his usual morning run with Steve, meaning she was home alone.

Sensing that the person behind the door was nervous, her senses heightened, unsure of who or what was behind the door. It couldn't have been Sam or Steve, the two would barge in like they usually do. The reporters or government officials were off the list since they demonstrated before that they clearly have no issue pounding on her door loudly, no matter the time. This meant whoever was behind the door knew they would be unwelcomed.

Noting that there was no hostile emotions in the person, she left the pistol on the kitchen table. Yet, she made sure that she could feel the energy rushing through her veins. All for a worst case scenario. Her hand gripped the cool handle of the door before she swung it open.

Bucky Barnes stood there just like she had last remembered seeing him. Tactical gear torn in some parts. His long hair still covered most of his face. Eyes wide and staring straight at her, she felt some strange sense of comfort in knowing that they were still as blue as she when she had last stared at them. What concerned her most wasn't how those eyes were still void of emotion, it was the gun still in it's holster on his belt and his shiny metal arm.

She froze with her hand still on the door. Staring at him with her mouth agape she didn't know what to do at all. Put him to sleep, call Steve or just simply run away, all those thoughts were gone from her mind. Elizabeth was quiet long enough for Bucky to speak first.

"I need help," was the first thing Bucky had said to anyone in what felt like years. His own voice was foreign to him. He didn't remember sounding like this, so dry and hoarse, but then again he didn't remember anything. "Please," he added. Bucky didn't even remember the person who had taught him to always say please when asking for something.

Elizabeth let his words register in her mind for a minute. She focused on what he was feeling, nervous, in pain and confused. He was so confused. The combination of those three couldn't be good for anyone, let alone a person like him. When she saw there was no hostility or anger anywhere in him, she opened the door wider.

Neither of them said anything as Bucky walked pass her and into the living room. He observed the place as if he was seeing everything for the first time. A tv, the stereo in one corner and the modern house phone on the coffee table. It was all so strange to him, it's not like he remembered much from his past, but he was so sure that these things weren't the same back then as they are now.

Looking at the giant 6 foot tall man of pure muscle in her living room, she suddenly remembered what she was supposed to do, call Steve. "Um," she started, unsure of how to address him. Bucky turned around to look down at her. "Just- just wait here."

Slowly, she moved toward the phone on the table. While doing so she tried her best to make Bucky calm and less anxious. He watched her carefully as she made her way to the phone. He was as still as a statue until she picked up the phone.

That was when he moved so fast she almost didn't see him. In two large strides, he was already standing right in front of her with the phone in his metal  hand. Without thinking twice, he crushed the appliance as if it was nothing but a ball of paper .

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