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"You think Fury restocked the kitchen back at the tower?" Elizabeth asked as she tied her hair up into a ponytail. Sitting in her seat on the Quinnjet, she looked to Natasha and Clint who sat in the cockpit. "Or at least told someone to do it?"

Clint continued on pressing some buttons that she had no idea even had a purpose as he responded to her. "Why?"

Natasha turned in her seat to look at Elizabeth. Seeing the way that Elizabeth avoided any eye contact Natasha immediately knew something had happened. "What did you do?"

"I may or may not have eaten most of the Pop-Tarts," Elizabeth admitted as she retied the laces on her boots.

"Wait, so you didn't finish it?" Clint repeated what she had said as she nodded her head in confirmation. "Then what did you leave left?"

"The cherry ones," Elizabeth mumbled.

Clint and Natasha both laughed at her with shake of their heads. "Yeah, you messed up." Natasha told her as Elizabeth grumbled out an 'I know.'

"Thor hates that one," Clint told her as if she didn't know. "You should definitely restock it once we get back."

Crossing her arms across her chest defensively, she sat up straighter in her seat when the jet took a quick turn. "I don't get why we even get that flavour anymore," Elizabeth said. "The only one who likes it is Bruce and he doesn't even eat it sometimes."

"He just leaves it in there incase he feels like it," Natasha explained. She stood up at the same time as Elizabeth and they both made their way to the back of the jet, ready for their cue. Elizabeth rolled her eyes at the mans familiar ways.

"Alright," Clint began as he pressed a button to open to door to the Quinnjet. "You two ready?" He yelled over the harsh wind that blew into the jet.

Natasha and Elizabeth stared at the sleek black motorbike that sat by the open space in the floor. Elizabeth shrugged the green flannel that she wore off her shoulders and tossed it to one of the empty seats. The thin grey t-shirt she wore blew lightly in the wind along with some stray strands of her hair.

"So who's back and who's front?" Elizabeth asked loudly with a glance at her partner. Natasha simply rolled her eyes before climbing onto to the front of the bike. "Guess I'm back then," she answered her own question before climbing onto the bike and wrapping her arms around her waist.

"You know," Elizabeth began once more over the loud wind. "In other situations this might not be so bad," she flirted as she readjusted her arms around the redheads waist.

Natasha scoffed as she started up the engine of the bike, adding to the loud noise around them. "Buy me dinner first," She retorted playfully.

The pair stared down at the streets below that passed by in a blur of colours. In the front seat of the jet, Clint lowered the jet until they were hovering a few metres of the ground. "Give em' hell, ladies." The archer gave the pair their cue before Natasha revved the engine and dropped them onto the road below.

Cars passed by them in a blur as Natasha definitely went over whatever the speed limit was in Seoul. The two of them swerved in between cars as they rushed to their destination. It was loud with the sound of car engines and the wind blowing through her ears. Elizabeth would lean to the side whenever her partner would, not wanting to make it any harder for her.

In between two lanes, Elizabeth saw the upturned outline of Steve's shield. The passing cars making the piece of metal move ever so slightly. Patting Natasha on the side of her leg, Elizabeth alerted her of the shield.

Accelerating, they made a beeline toward the shield, making sure to avoid crashing into the side of any close cars. "Boys," she said to Natasha with a shake of her head over the wind. Reaching out to the side just in time, Elizabeth scooped up the shield in her arms before sitting up right.

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