Chapter 54: Mutiny most foul

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"The topic gentlemen, is mutiny. Mutiny most foul," Jack whispers as he lights a candle, one of very few barely illuminating the gun deck where a group of men gather around a single crate, each of them looking more suspicious than the next.

"Aye. I signed up to sail under Captain Sparrow. Not some pretender," one of the crew mutters, his voice a hoarse whisper as his eyes blaze in the candlelight.
"And mention was failed to be made of this uncanny crew," another states, alluding to the zombified authority.
"Make my toes curl, they do," another one adds with a firm nod.
The door busts open to the hold and each man flinches before immediately reaching for their individual weapons until they realise who had run in.
"I got em. All of them!" The young cabin boy states, running in with his arms full of swords, looking pleased with himself, having undertaken a stealthy mission to raid the gun hold.

"Well done," Jack smirks, his plan coming together. A few other crewman murmur praises at the young lad who gingerly sits down around the crate, one of the older lads patting the young man on his shoulder as he beams with nervous pride.
"On to it then. Blackbeard. What are his habits?" Jack asks, gazing around the room, making sure each man is paying close attention to him.
"Stays most in his cabin," one of the lads replies, followed by murmurs of affirmation, all the men stating the same sentiment.
"Yes, but when he comes out," Jack prompts.
"He don't really come out," the cabin boy replies.
Frustrated, Jack let's out a deep sigh of annoyance, "he must come out some time!"
"Not really, no. Ain't seen him. Never." The men all shake their heads, their eyes glazing over as they each try to recall a time they had seen him. Scrum, who is sat to the right of Jack also shakes his head, despite only being on board as long as Jack.
"Any of you sailed with him before?" He tried to prompt again.
"No, never."
"Any of you seen him before?"
"Not really, no."
"Stays in his cabin. No ones sailed with him, seen him."

Jack let's out a little hum as he plays with the beads in his beard, before his eyes squint a little as he smirks. "Good news, gentlemen! This is not Blackbeard's ship."
The men all look around at each other, confusion playing on each of their faces.
"This is not the Queen Anne's Revenge," Jack states bluntly.
"This be the Queen Anne's Revenge right enough," Scrum interjects.
"How do you know?" Jack asks, turning fully to give scrum his full attention.
"I've seen the name, on the back of the ship. Said 'Queen Anne's revenge' in big letters, right as I followed you up the gangplank."

Jack's mouth opens in reply but shuts a moment later, fighting back a roll of his eyes as he stares at the man amazed at his stupidness. Scrum simply looks back at Jack oblivious.
"Gentlemen, sailors, fellow conscriptees. You have been monstrously deceived." Jack alludes, his tone both serious and mysterious.
"We are decepted then!" The crewman on the right, the most vocal of them all, replies.
"Yes. You've nay been informed of the destination. Death lies before us, as we sail...for the Fountain of Youth," Jack explains, his voice getting deeper and deeper as he leans in to the group. They murmur in reply, each of them looking mystified. "It'd be a sorry plight, mates."
"For certain."
"The garden of darkened souls."
"Untimely out ends will be."
"Unless," Jack interrupts, "we take the ship."

Scrum immediately bolts up in his seat, earning an alarmed look from Jack as he suddenly grabs hold of a sword and pierces the wooden crate as he enthusiastically exclaims, "we take the ship then! Now!" He bolts off, beginning the mutiny right away.

All the men turn to look at Jack expectantly, waiting for their next move.
"Go on then," he prompts, shooing the men with a wave of his hands. They immediately bounce up and run off with scrum, each of them grabbing a sword on their way. Jack stays seated at the crate, watching the fallout before him.

The crew immediately burst into a fully fledged mutiny, exclaiming as they begin to overtake the ship. They fight with other crew mates who refuse to comply and cause disruption all across the ship.
Jack eventually scrambles, making his way to the top deck, narrowly avoiding the zombified quartermaster's vicious attacks.

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