Chapter 8:But why is the rum gone?

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I woke up the next morning with a hammering in my head and a painful crick in my neck.

I moved my head slightly to work out where I was, opening my eyes slowly. I suddenly froze. I could see the opening of Jack's shirt, his tanned, virtually hairless chest and the end of a few unruly dreadlocks underneath me.
Only now could I feel how tightly I was pressed to him, his arms wrapped around my waist, holding me to him. My hand was resting on his chest and my head lay buried in the crest of his neck. It was only until I tried to shift that I felt it.
My eyes widened and I had to hold in a gasp.
My left leg was thrown over his, falling within the valley between his legs, my thigh pressed right up against something that made my mouth go dry.
Part of me reasoned that it could be his pistol, but at no point had I seen him reattach it to his belt. Surely it couldn't be his manhood?

Trying not to think about it anymore, I withdrew my leg and tried to peel myself away from his grasp quickly.
He was softly mumbling in his sleep, nothing coherent, and I couldn't escape the groan he let out when I removed my leg. I thought about looking down to confirm my theory, my mind spinning at the very notion, but couldn't bring myself to do it, it felt too wrong with him still asleep.

His eyes opened for a moment before closing again as he tried to reach out for me, hoping to pull me back to him. When he realised he couldn't grab me, he folded his arms over his chest looking peaceful again.
"Morning Love," he spoke with a gravelly voice. My body clenched at the sound of his morning voice and I bit back a smile.

"Morning Jack," I whispered. His eyes were still closed but his smile grew as he relaxed.

Suddenly, we both jerked up upon hearing some sort of explosion in the near distance. Turning towards where the noise had come from, I instantly got a waft of smoke filling my nostrils.

Squinting, I saw Elizabeth throwing crates and barrels onto a very substantial fire. It took me a few seconds but I finally worked out what she was throwing; Jack won't be happy about this. The fire was huge, the palm trees surrounding the island having been sucked into the fire aswell, the smoke alone climbing high into the sky.

Jack seems to click on at that very second.
"No! Not good! Stop! What are you doing? You burned all the food, the shade, the rum!" He shouted chasing after her.

"Yes the rum's gone," Elizabeth stated proudly.
"But why is the rum gone?!" Jack cried.

"One, because it is a vile drink that turns even the most respectable men into complete scoundrels. Two, that signal is over a thousand feet high. The entire Royal Navy is out there looking for us, do you really think that there is even the slightest chance that they won't see this?" She argued. I had to admit, she'd done a fine job and it was a very good idea, but I knew one man who would never admit that. Nor would it be a happy ending for the pirate captain after being recaptured by the King's navy.

"But why is the rum gone?" He repeated, sounding heartbroken and in disbelief at her actions.

Elizabeth took a seat in the sand, ignoring Jack's anguish. "Just wait, Captain Sparrow, you give it an hour, maybe two, keep a weather eye out and then you will see white sails on the horizon," she said firmly.

Jack looked like he was battling something inside him as I stood gazing between the two of them. Suddenly, Jack pulled out his pistol, aiming it at the back of Elizabeth's head.

"Jack!" I cried out with a vengeance, chastising him for his ridiculous thinking. His eyes shot to mine and he instantly shoved the pistol back from where it came from in his belt with a huff and stomped off away from our makeshift camp.

"He'll get over it," I said, throwing myself down next to her, "well done Lizzie!" I rested my head on her shoulder for a moment and she laughed.
"You haven't called me that in years!" We shared a knowing smile and sat in the sun for a few moments just soaking it in.

"I hope I did the right thing," she sighed, looking out into the sea, evidently second guessing her actions.

"Well the way I see it," I paused, "if you hadn't done it and we don't get rescued then we die and if you do it and we don't get rescued, we still die. Same odds for surviving really," I shrugged.

"Well that was oddly comforting, thanks," she laughed. "I think you're spending too much time with the pirate."
I looked up at her and saw her smile suggestively, I merely frowned shooting her a look.

"I see the way he looks at you, you know, always checking on you, holding you, making sure you're in his sight. It's obvious Lily," she says.
I open my mouth but close it again soon after, not quite knowing what to say. We sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes before I stood up, brushing the sand off my dress.

"Did you want to wear this? I feel awful that you are in just your underdress," I said, gesturing to my dress.
"Thank you but I'm perfectly fine. Plus I think your pirate might have a heart attack if he sees you in a state of undress," she smiles. I grumble, shooting her another look.

"I'm gonna go check where he is."

I wandered off to find him, following his footsteps in the sand along the waters edge.

"Jack," I called, trying to find him. Finally I saw him standing in the distance so I tried to run to him but he just kept walking, trying to increase the distance between us. "Jack stop!"

"Must've been terrible for you, Jack," He mocked as he kept walking, "Well is bloody is now!" He shouted out, still not looking at me. I rolled my eyes at his little outburst but continued to walk towards him.

"Bloody hell Jack, just look!" I shouted. He spun around to face me and noticed I was pointing in the distance. His eyes followed my finger and suddenly widened, there was the dauntless.

"They'll be no living with you two after this" he muttered. I immediately began to turn back and walked briskly, my turn to be the chase-ee in this situation.

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