Chapter 33: You're scared?

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Jack entered the cabin a few moments after me. I could hear him shouting orders to the crew as he neared the doors to our cabin, instantly countered or echoed by Hector.

He walked through the door, allowing it to bang closed behind him as he walked directly over to me, slipping his arms around my waist. His head dropped down slightly to rest on my shoulder as I could feel his breath on my neck, tickling the stray hairs there. He placed a gentle kiss behind my ear as he rested his head, neither of us saying anything in the moment. My hands reached down to entwine our hands, keeping them placed on my stomach where his rested.

"I love yer lily," he said quietly, nestled into my neck. I smiled widely, stroking his hand with my thumb.
"I love you too Jack," I whispered back, feeling him smile into my neck as he heard the words.

We stayed just like that for a few moments, our words seeming to hang in the air of our little bubble. Jack wasn't particularly a romantic man, nor overly vocal about his feelings which made it all the more special when he did declare his love. I wasn't sure what had caused him to act like this, but I could have guessed it had something to do with Beckett and his trip aboard the endeavour.

"Jack, Sao Feng took Elizabeth," I said just as we pulled apart. When his eyes peered into mine, I could tell by the little squint that he was processing the information and formulating some sort of plan. "He believes her to be Calypso," I added.

He made a sort of 'hmm' noise as he mulled it over, walking over to the desk and taking a seat, propping his legs up on the desk.

"No doubt they'll be convening at Shipwreck Cove for the assembly of the Brethren Court I'd imagine," he said, taking out his compass and placing it on the desk, lifting it for a moment only to close it back down.

"As are we," I said plainly. He bristled slightly, lip curling at the statement. He simply nodded, still not accepting of the idea. "At least we can re-supply there."

"Aye love, you'll see her again there," he muttered, looking at the chart that was fixed to the desk by various heavy objects in the corners of the scroll.

"And Will?" I asked, "how long do you expect he'll stay in the brig before his inevitable escape?" Jack turned to me with a wide smile, his eyes glowing as he realised I'd caught on to his exact thought.

"My girl, you are a wonder," he said proudly with a shake of his head. "No doubt he's already broken free of the, what we're the hinges called?" He asked me, clearly forgetting the information.

"Half-Pin barrel hinges."

"Aye, those," he says smugly, "I'd wager he's already up and about my love."
"And you're not doing anything because...." I asked, not quite catching on to his thought process. He smiled, reaching for the compass again.

"Because my beautiful woman," he said humorously, "to what end would it benefit my fine self to call, alarm and alert me crew to the traitorous leach escaping when no doubt he'll do the exact same show the next night," he smiled, proud of himself.
I had to admit he did have a point, we were on a ship in the middle of the ocean, it wasn't exactly like he could escape any further than the ship, especially since Jack had locked down the longboats.

"Just the matter of this then love," Jack smirked, dangling his compass from his right index finger. I smirked, taking it from him and placing it on the desk away from us.

Jack suddenly stood from the chair, making his way over to me, "Now, Miss Swann, it appears we may be waiting for the whelp for some time, care to offer any ideas of how we can pass the time?" He smirked, curling up his moustache as he wiggled his eyebrows. I laughed, throwing my arms around his neck. I could think of many ways to pass the time.

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