Chapter 42: The tattoo

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"I know just the woman love, stick by me, ol' Jack will show yer the way," Jack smirked as we walked through the cobbled streets of Tortuga. It was midday when we'd emerged from our room at the inn, finally satisfied enough to step away from the bed. I eagerly walked instep with my new husband, to wherever it was that Jack was leading me, nervously anticipating my newest adventure: the tattoo.

Jack lead me behind the facade of a large tavern near the freshwater well in the centre of town and wrapped around the little side street before we were met by an open door and a little beaded curtain.
"Jack Sparrow," an elderly women drawled from behind an old wooden table where she sat slumped over, her tone of voice showing that she knew Jack, much like Tia Dalma had many months ago.

"Kamora," Jack greeted the woman, placing his hand on my hip as I walked through the weathered, beaded curtain. The room was dark, with no windows except from a small patch of light that flooded in through a large hole in the roof. The woman looked to be middle aged, if not older, her hair a dense mass of grey curls wrapped messily on top of her head, tied off with a scrap of silken material.
"Come to pay me for the work I did last time?" She goaded, placing down the instrument in her hand onto the table.
"You know I really did send payment from the docks, apparently the goat never-," he began to argue.
"There was no goat!" She snapped in her thick accent, straightening her posture in the chair and finally looking around from Jack, towards me. I'd been silently watching the exchange between the two, barely even flinching at the ridiculous notion of a goat being included in Jack's story.

"And who might you be?" She smiled, showing a selection of rotten, yellow teeth.
"Lily s-," I paused a moment momentarily forgetting my new title, "Sparrow."
"Me wife," Jack added proudly with a smirk, before he walked over to the desk where the woman sat. I heard her take an audible breath as she looked between us, before her grin widened to the point it nearly split her face.
"And what can I do ye for Mrs Sparrow?"

"I want to get a tattoo, a sparrow, on my sternum," I said warmly. The woman's gaze flicked down to my chest for a moment as I spoke, as if she was envisioning the design in her mind.
She quickly turned to Jack with a harsh stare and a pointed finger, "payment upfront."
Jack smirked wildly and dropped down a heavy coin purse onto the wooden table that she quickly snatched and placed it down her dress, between her breasts.

She stood quickly, patted down her slightly ragged dress and turned fully to me.
"Follow me," she said with a grin, walking ahead of me to a second beaded curtain that lead further into the little building. I shot a smile to Jack who winked at me and walked over to follow behind us. She stood at the entryway and waved me into the smaller room but quickly spun around, holding her hand up to Jack.
"No entry," she spat out. Jack's lip twitched as he raised his hands in disbelief, stopping just as he reached the curtain. His gaze shot to me, as if he was questioning wether I was agreeable to the situation.
"Jack it's fine, I'll meet you in the faithful bride," I said, smiling up at him. His gaze scanned over my face for a moment as his eyes questioned me again, until he reluctantly nodded.
"I'll check on Gibbs," he muttered, drawing back the beaded curtain and walking away, leaving me alone with a waiting Kamora.

The tattoo took quite a while and I was restless towards the end, my body not used to being lay still for so long on an uncomfortable surface such as the old, lumpy chaise lounge that filled the small room.
The pain was intense and I often had to bite down on my finger to stop from crying out as the woman poked over the same spot with the ink and the sharp object.

After a few hours, she suddenly pulled away from me and stood back to look at her art, seemingly pleased with the completed piece.
"Is done," she smiled, holding out her hand to me. I grabbed her hand and pulled myself up with some difficulty, my other hand clutching at the strip of material from my underdress that I was holding up to my chest to cover my breasts.

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