Chapter 9: The counter-offer.

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"Commodore, may I speak with you?" I spoke confidently, attempting to catch Norrington's attention as I crossed the deck of the Dauntless to stand in front of him. Everyone turned to face me, surprise obvious on their faces. Jack looked thoroughly confused, his lip upturning in a grimace at the very prospect.
Norrington turned to me with a courteous smile and a nod, "of course Miss Swann, follow me," he replied. He then led the way to his private office onboard the ship and gestured for me to enter first, before closing the door behind us.

"What can I do for you Miss Swann?" He sat at his desk, offering me the adjacent seat.

"I wanted to thank you for coming to our rescue, it was very intuitive of you to find us in such a short amount of time," I spoke smoothly, taking a seat. He seemed to be taken aback at this, a proud and slightly smug smile forming on his face.

"Well Miss Swann, it is my duty to protect the nobility within Port Royal of course," he said with honour; his words said one thing but the smug look on his face said another.
"Oh come on James, I thought we would be past titles and formality by now," I smiled sweetly.
"Well- well yes, Lillian" he stuttered, clearly flustered.
"James, what is going to become of Captain Sparrow?" I inquired, trying to sound nonchalant.
"He will face the gallows, once we return to Port Royal." My stomach dropped and I felt my face pale.
"Say he was to be pardoned, what would that require?" I asked, trying to sound a little sultry, using my feminine ways to change his mind. His head shot up to me with a bewildered expression. "In theory," I added, shrugging lightly.
"Well he would need formal notation of pardon, a letter of marque, drafted and signed by a senior member of the Navy or an equivalent party," he said, still eyeing me closely.
"Such as yourself?" I prompt, gently rolling a strand of hair between my fingers.
"Well yes but Lillian you cannot be suggesting..." he cut himself off towards the end, clearly shocked.
"James, you and I have known each other for quite some time haven't we," I paused, waiting for him to nod which came a moment later, "If I could guarantee that Captain Jack Sparrow never set foot in Port Royal again, nor any of his crew, could we make an accord that he is to be pardoned?"
He seems flustered for a moment, silent, as he thought over the proposal.
"Lillian, how do I put this correctly," he paused, "you are a woman of both integrity and honour, but you have little understanding of the intricacies of naval workings and are naive in your efforts. The word of Jack Sparrow is hardly trustworthy and I would not sacrifice the safety of our nation, nor my reputation, on the word of a filthy pirate." His tone was cold and stern. "Now if that is all," he gestured towards the door.
I paused a moment, trying not to sound eager in my reply.
"What if I could offer some collateral in the deal?" This peaked his interest for a moment, I could tell.
"I have no desire for gold or silver," he said.
"Not all treasure is gold or silver Commodore." I had to bite back a smile at my words, knowing that the Commodore would be extremely upset to find the advice came from a pirate.
"Go on," he said, obviously curious now.

"James, I'll be frank. Elizabeth's heart belongs to another and we both know that she is headstrong. Although I cannot speak for her, I'm aware that she has not yet offered you an answer regarding your proposal," he looked down at this.
"My counter offer, is that should Elizabeth reject your proposal, I would offer my hand in marriage on the terms that Captain Sparrow will be pardoned and will not be pursued by the navy or any equivalent party, provided that he and his crew remain away from Port Royal." My hands were clammy and my stomach churned as I spoke the words. "My other term, is that we return to the isle to rescue William and ensure his safety, for Elizabeth."
"Lillian, I-"
"You said yourself that I am a woman of integrity and honour. We both know that my uncle's post as Governor was a factor in your proposal. After all, marrying the governor's daughter would be a very honourable and beneficial notion, why so should the outcome be different for his ward? You of course remember my father," I smiled sweetly, despite the pounding of my heart and sickly stomach.

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