Chapter 17: The Escape.

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"What's wrong? The beach is right there!" Will said as he rowed out to the island with the large, imposing man in a log boat. The man had abruptly stopped sailing and stared blankly at Will.

"Je ne peux pas vous emmener plus loin, c'est trop dangereux."
Will sighed, squinting at the man in hopes of understanding any part of that sentence. He paused a moment, wishing Lillian was here, she spoke fluent French. With a look back at the ship behind him, Will stood up shakily in the boat preparing to swim the rest of the way.

"Bon voyage, monsieur," the stranger said kindly. He understood that atleast. Will dived into the water, swimming as quickly as he could towards the sandy beach where the black pearl lay docked.

He strode out the water, now dripping wet, calling out for anyone he knew on the crew.
"Lily! Jack! Mr Gibbs! Anybody?" He asked to himself as he made his way into the jungle, further into the island.
As he walked through a line of trees he heard the familiar squawk of a bird, feeding him hope.
"Ah a familiar face!" Will greeted the parrot.
The parrot squawked in reply, following with the line 'don't eat me!'
Will frowned in confusion, "I'm not going to eat you." The parrot replied with the same line, repeating it over and over again as Will walked off with a shake of his head, walking deeper into the jungle.

As he stepped his way around some vines, he saw a familiar flask with a leather holder hanging from a tree that he knew to be Mr Gibbs'. Pulling the flask out of the tree, he observed it for a moment and then followed a line of vines attached that were attached the flask, no doubt placed there by Mr Gibbs himself.

As he inspected and followed the vines, he stopped briefly at a large tree where the vines seemed to end. He stilled a moment when he felt a presence beside him and as if out of nowhere, a large man with paint faced that camouflaged him completely leapt out at him, causing Will to stumble backwards. Will immediately got swept up high up in the tree, caught in a trap of nets and vines, forced to watch from above as many more men appeared from within the trees, circling below him.

As he pulled out his sword to fight them off, something sharp hit him in the neck. Using his spare hand to feel at the new wound, he felt it was some small kind of dart. Within moments he had passed out, his sword dropping to the floor.

When Will woke again, he realised immediately he was bound by his wrists and ankles to a large stick that was carried by a number of men. He looked around for a moment before seeing something he would never have imagined he would see here.

Will couldn't believe his eyes as he peered up at what appeared to be a throne, seeing Jack Sparrow sat upon it, his face adorned with six additional eyes in paint. Jack's own eyes then opened and looked directly at Will but there was no sense or form of acknowledgment.

"Jack? Jack sparrow!" Will breathed a sigh of relief and chuckled, "I can honestly say I'm glad to see you!" Jack stood at this, holding a ridiculous feathered spear in his arms. He began to walk over to Will but still didn't acknowledge his acquaintance. "It's me, Will Turner," he adds, now filled with uncertainty.

Jack then turned to one of the tribal men, speaking some sort of native language Will didn't understand. The man replied, which then echoed as a call throughout the rest of the tribe.

"Tell them to let me down!" Will said, urging Jack to help him. "Where is Lillian?"

"Kele laam," Jack said, reaching out his hand towards Will to silence him, before turning back to the tribal man.

"Laam peeky peeky, Laam eensy-weensy," Jack says, walking over to peer between Will's bound legs. "Laama say say, eunuchy, snip snip." He added a scissoring motion with his hands as he said something else unintelligible to the men. They all groaned and murmured in both amazement and disgust at the prospect, seemingly understanding Jack's accusation.

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