Chapter 14: The wanderings.

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It had been around 8 months since we left Port Royal and my time on board the black pearl had been an experience to say the least, as had all the crews.
At first things were going well as we sailed on to many places, getting ahead of Norrington; but then in rolled the storms of bad luck.
We had sailed back to Isle de Muerta but found it had been lost to the sea, taking its treasure with it. We'd then gone on to other places with little to no avail and then of course came the hurricane.

Norrington had showed up just north of Tripoli, pursuing us throughout, our only chance of escape was to sail into the path of the storm.

The crew and I worked tirelessly, loosing 2 men to the seas as we prevailed. Jack bravely sailed us through the first stage of the storm, staying at the helm night and day. Norrington had followed us into the hurricane and we had lost sight of him after 3 days.
After that, Jack had pulled an extraordinary move and managed to sail us free of the storm, eventually getting us to safety around the coast of Tortola, where we laid low for a week or so in the shallows.

Jack and I were still sharing the captain's cabin, with no qualms anymore about sharing the bed. He'd taken to telling me tales of both the sea and his legendary adventures each night as we lay beside each other, usually with Jack's arm slung around me.
Our relationship had grown exponentially over the last few months, almost to the point we could communicate with our eyes and expressions, especially in times of danger.
I became his second in command at the helm, taking over from him when needed as Mr Cotton slipped naturally into the night watch over the wheel. I would also take over as temporary first mate whilst Mr Gibbs rested, which the men seemed to accept well. So much so that Jack had named me second mate.

My bond with the crew had grown a lot over the past months, each of them growing to trusting me fully, as I had with them. Mr Cotton had become a much respected companion, despite our inability to communicate verbally, as had Mr Gibbs and the 'dynamic duo'. Marty was still a little unsure of me but never hesitated in completing tasks I set.

"And then they made me their chief," Jack said one night as we lay in bed, finishing his latest tale. Some of the stories, particularly the old folklore and sea stories, I had read about in my studies. I never said this to him of course, wanting to hear the stories first hand from a pirate that had lived through it.

"Lily," he said after a few moments of comfortable silence, "the next place we are going, I need you to stay here on the boat love with Mr Gibbs." I frowned in reply.
We had encountered a large selection of dangers on the journey, including other dangerous pirates and tricky situations. Jack's confidence at having me beside him had grown, seeing just how capable I was at handling myself. So much so that often it was just me and Jack who would go ashore, leaving the others behind.
We had managed to escape our fates with a synchronised idea and teamwork more than once, knowing each other's moves off by heart, picking up on each other's strategies and signals easily- never once had he asked me to stay behind.
"Jack," I started to speak but he just gave me a look.
"I need to go on me onesie for this one love, you and Mr Gibbs can guard the ship whilst I'm gone. You know I like having yer by me side but it's too risky this time. Savvy?" I wanted to protest but something in his voice stopped me, an honesty I suppose and I nodded in reply.
His hand came to lift my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes. "S'not personal love, I can't take anyone with me and especially not a beautiful woman." His eyes widened as if he was shocked at his own words before squinting again, "Savvy?"
"Aye Jack," I said as he released my chin and dropped his hand to rest on his abdomen. My mind was swimming at his words as we lay there in silence a little while longer.

"Land Ho!" We heard from outside the cabin, causing Jack to leap to his feet and start to dress. I sprang into action behind him, throwing on my boots and effects, walking out of the cabin just after Jack.

"Mr Gibbs! I leave you and Lily in charge of me ship in me absence. Hold her steady, I'll be back within 3 days, any longer and keep to the code." Jack said, earning a nod from Mr Gibbs.
I bristled upon hearing this, not realising he was going to be gone for so long. Jack noticed and shot me a look of guilt and proceeded to gather his things.

He walked up to me, grabbed my hand and turned me to look at him. "Be back before you know it love," he whispered, leaning in and placing a kiss to my forehead. I nodded with a small smile and he walked off, climbing into the longboat that the crew had prepared for him and watched him row his way onto the island.

It was a funny place, somewhere in Turkey I believed, but Jack was keeping very mum about it all. When I'd asked, he merely shook off my question blabbering something about time and the pitfalls of time. I merely shrugged it off and carried about my day, unable to shake the fear there was something he wasn't telling me.

"Alright you lot! I want this deck to gleam ahead of Jack's return! Get the swabs!" I called out, causing the crew to rally around and begin swabbing the deck. There wasn't much we could do with our time waiting for Jack so it was the best time to get the ship back up to standard.
And then we waited.

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